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Censorship In United States.

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Introduction of censorship.
The origin of censorship in other countries and the United States.
Reasons as to why censorship has been carried out.
History of censorship in the United States which entails the various types of censorship in the
history of the United States such as Books, Music, Press and Electronic censorship.
The term censorship was derived from the official duties of the Roman censor who carried
out the census by counting, examining and evaluating the population in the beginning 443 B.C.
This term has been used to refer to the suppression of ideas or images by the government or the
respective authorities of various countries.
Previously, societies practiced various forms of censorship believing that the community
which is represented by the government, has the power to mold the behaviors of individuals in
their countries.
The United States of America have experienced censorship despite the fact that the law has
it there is freedom of expression and freedom of the press. Boards of education have often tried to
ban certain books fro0m their schools, television and radio stations have banned certain programs
from public viewing and newspapers altering certain stories (Jones and Derek 2015).
Censorship has always been carried out for various reasons but with they all share a
common goal which is to protect and mostly to protect the morals of the children which is the most

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Insert surname1 Name Instructor’s Name Course Title Date Insert surname 2 Outline. Introduction of censorship. The origin of censorship in other countries and the United States. Reasons as to why censorship has been carried out. History of censorship in the United States which entails the various types of censorship in the history of the United States such as Books, Music, Press and Electronic censorship. The term censorship was derived from the official duties of the Roman censor who carried out the census by counting, examining and evaluating the population in the beginning 443 B.C. This term has been used to refer to the suppression of ideas or images by the government or the respective authorities of various countries. Previously, societies practiced various forms of censorship believing that the community which is represented by the government, has the power to mold the behaviors of individuals in their countries. The United States of America have experienced censorship despite the fact that the law has it there is freedom of expression and freedom of the press. Boards of education have often tried to ban certain books fro0m their schools, television and radio stations have banned certain programs from public viewing and newspapers altering certain stories (Jones and Derek 2015). Censorship has always been carried out for various reasons but with they all share a common goal which is to protect and mostly to protect the morals of the children which is the mos ...
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