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Week 4 Assignments

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Stratford University
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Task 7
In the modern business world, jobs are incredibly varied. While one job might be a perfect fit for
your personality, career goals, it might require skills that you do not possess. Therefore, creating
a career ladder serves a unique role in helping you stay on the right path to achieving your career
goals. Aspiring to become a business development leader, the following is the career path I
intend to follow.
The business development representative position is the beginner level of a career in business
development. In this entry-level position, I will need to excel in areas such as marketing,
customer service, and customer success. In the next stage, a business development manager is a
role involving managing teams of business development representatives. I will attain this
position through experience and obtaining sales leadership certifications. After more than 5 years
of experience in this role, I will be ready for the first senior role in this career path head of
business development. I will attain this role through strategic decision-making, building and
Head of
Directtor of
VP of

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managing teams, as well as working directly with company executives. After cementing my
position as a head of business development, I will be ready for a more senior role as a director of
business development. In this role, I will be responsible for the outcomes and activities of my
team, with a special requirement to have a long-term and strategic approach to business. After
gathering more than 10 years of experience in the previous roles, I will be ready to take over as
the Vice President of business development, tasked with driving long-term growth opportunities
for the company.
Discussion D
With so many technologies emerging every day, keeping close tabs on recent tech
advancements is essential. Since there are so many changes in the tech world, staying updated
requires discipline and dedication. Some of the strategies of keeping up with these trends include
reading magazines and journals, joining tech forums, and devoting daily time to reading tech
publications. These sources contain a great wealth of information regarding the current and
upcoming technologies.
Are you a member of any tech forum?
Tech forums serve a crucial role in accelerating innovation through tech transfer (Fraser,
2021). Some of the tech forums that I have joined include CNET, Techist, and PC Advisor.
These forums provide spaces for technology enthusiasts to discuss the current and upcoming
technologies. In these forums, you can find constructive discussions about PCs, iPhones,
Android phones, and emerging technologies in other tech products such as smart homes and
Are you having a subscription to any IT newsletter?

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Task 7 In the modern business world, jobs are incredibly varied. While one job might be a perfect fit for your personality, career goals, it might require skills that you do not possess. Therefore, creating a career ladder serves a unique role in helping you stay on the right path to achieving your career goals. Aspiring to become a business development leader, the following is the career path I intend to follow. Business development representative Business Development Manager Head of business development Directtor of Business Development VP of Business Development The business development representative position is the beginner level of a career in business development. In this entry-level position, I will need to excel in areas such as marketing, customer service, and customer success. In the next stage, a business development manager is a role involving managing teams of business development representatives. I will attain this position through experience and obtaining sales leadership certifications. After more than 5 years of experience in this role, I will be ready for the first senior role in this career path – head of business development. I will attain this role through strategic decision-making, building and managing teams, as well as working directly with company executives. After cementing my position as a head of business development, I will be ready for a more senior role as a director of business development. In this role, I will be responsible for the ...
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