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Comparison essay on The American Portrait: Julian Ralph and Thomas O’Donnell

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The American Portrait: Julian Ralph and Thomas O’Donnell
The two people featured in the American Portrait who will be compared and contrasted
are Julian Ralph and Thomas O’Donnell. Both figures featured prominently in shaping history
and share some similarities. They, however, have certain differences that distinguish their
approaches and backgrounds.
Both Julian Ralph and Thomas O’Donnell were avid advocates of a better society. In their
own ways, Ralph and O’Donnell strived to ensure that the populace was well emancipated. This
is evident from the line of duty they were engaged in as well as the dedication they had in their
commitment. Ralph was a newspaper correspondent whose role was to source for information
and deliver it to the common man through the use of print media. The fact that he moved from
England to Russia through China and Greece showed his determination in gathering information
and delivering it to the outside world. On his part, O’Donnell was earlier involved in educating
the youth. The 8 year teaching experience that he had ensured that he participated in the
dissemination of knowledge. However, his most significant role in ensuring a better society was
manifested in the roles he later assumed in rights championing, politics and judiciary(Gaughan,
1983). O’Donnell has his name engraved in the Irish history as one of the most influential figures
in the pursuit for better land laws. His drive for peace and reconciliation after the Civil War is
also relevant for the country’s history.

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The two figures experienced the ravages of war. O’Donnell’s family was forced to move
from his home of birth in 1880 due to the Irish Land League Land War (Gaughan, 1983). This
land war, however, was one of the motivating factors in the sustained fight for tenant rights
O’Donnell was engaged in. Ralph also had the rough side of war as his health was impaired from
his experiences of the harsh Boer War. Ralph eventually succumbed from an illness that was
attributed to the treacherous time he experienced in the Boer War (The New York Times, 1903)
Despite what Ralph and O’Donnell share on wars, participation in Wars was a
distinguishing factor between these two figures. O’Donnell was vital in the creation of a postwar
Irish society. The National League Party, created by O’Donnell, was formed with an aim of
reconciling the country in the aftermath of the Civil War. Ralph also had his experience with war;
though not at the same level as O’Donnell. The 1894, Ralph went to China. At this time, China
was at war with Japan in a struggle he described in “Alone in China” (The New York Times,
1903). He also covered the Boer War.
O’Donnell and Ralph also differ in their stand on specialization. O’Donnell was a trained
teacher at the Marlborough Street Training College. This training ensured that he was qualified to
be a national teacher. This is a role that O’Donnell ensured that he fulfilled for 10 years from
1892 to 1900. However, while continuing his professional task, O’Donnell decided to go into
advocacy by championing for land rights in 1898 (Gaughan, 1983). His participation in the
contest for tenant rights thrust him into the lime light. This eventually led to his participation in
the political arena. O’Donnell was, however, not done with change in his career path. After being
introduced to the bar as a lawyer, he rose to be a judge. His transition from a teacher to a tenants’
rights advocate before eventually ending up as a judge is a true manifestation of O’Donnell’s
flexibility. Ralph, however, was a pure journalist. From a tender age of 15, Ralph decided on

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Name Instructor Date The American Portrait: Julian Ralph and Thomas O'Donnell The two people featured in the American Portrait who will be compared and contrasted are Julian Ralph and Thomas O'Donnell. Both figures featured prominently in shaping history and share some similarities. They, however, have certain differences that distinguish their approaches and backgrounds. Both Julian Ralph and Thomas O'Donnell were avid advocates of a better society. In their own ways, Ralph and O'Donnell strived to ensure that the populace was well emancipated. This is evident from the line of duty they were engaged in as well as the dedication they had in their commitment. Ralph was a newspaper correspondent whose role was to source for information and deliver it to the common man through the use of print media. The fact that he moved from England to Russia through China and Greece showed his determination in gathering information and delivering it to the outside world. On his part, O'Donnell was earlier involved in educating the youth. The 8 year teaching experience that he had ensured that he participated in the dissemination of knowledge. However, his most significant role in ensuring a bet ...
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