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Divine Rulership

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The near east was the home of the Ancient Sumerians, the Babylonians and Assyrians. It
was the region south western Asia. The divine ruler ship was composed of any who was the
supreme leader of the pantheon, Enlil of what the father to the creation of the sun and wind, Enki
who was the lord of the underworld and Marduk who was the head of the whole Babylonian
pantheon. These were all divine rulers who were adored and commanded a lot of respect from
the people. The same was replicated in Egypt or the west where the Egyptian king or Pharaoh
was semi divine while the office of the kingship was divine. In the near east, the king was not as
powerful as in the case of the west.
Christians believe in only one God who created heaven and earth. They do not believe in
worshipping idols or other personalities as in the case of divine ruler ship. The Mesopotamians
and other member of divine ruler ship worshipped their leaders as their Gods, an act which is in
contract with Christian believes. Christian’s believe that a God can never be a person. He is a
supreme being who resides in heaven and not down here on earth as in the case of divine ruler

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The near east was the home of the Ancient Sumerians, the Babylonians and Assyrians. It was the region south western Asia. The divine ruler ship was composed of any who was the supreme leader of the pantheon, Enlil of what the father to the creation of the sun and wind, Enki who was the lord of the u ...
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