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Influence of some industrial wastes as a heavy aggregate on durability of concrete upon utilization in the special constructi...

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J. Build. Mater. Struct. (2018) 5: 1-13 DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.1254620 Original Article Influence of some industrial wastes as a heavy aggregate on durability of concrete upon utilization in the special constructions Gharieb M 1,*, El-Sayed H A 1, Abo-El-Enein S A 2, Sakr K 3, Ali A H 1, El-Sokkary T M 1 1 2 3 * Housing and Building National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt. Faculty of Science, Ain shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Atomic Energy Authority, Hot Laboratories Center, Cairo, Egypt. Corresponding Author: Received: 05-11-2017 Revised: 18-02-2018 Accepted: 20-02-2018 Abstract. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of some industrial wastes as a heavy aggregate on durability of the concrete after exposure to different effects. The coarse aggregates used to perform the concrete were dolomite (control) and lead slag, while fine aggregate were sand and lead slag aggregate. The physical and mechanical properties of use draw aggregates were determined also the physical and mechanical properties of different types of concrete were studied. The linear attenuation coefficients (μ) and half value layer (HVL) of gamma rays measurements have been carried out using γ-rays sources of Cs173 and Co60. Effect of sea water on the mechanical properties of high performance concrete; in addition, corrosion behavior of reinforcing steel embedded in concrete incorporating different aggregates upon exposure to sea water were studied. It was fou ...
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