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Oceanic Pollution

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Environmental Science
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Oceanic Pollution

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1. Where are you from and are you near a body of water?
I am from Bayville, New Jersey. The closest water body near me is the Oslo Fjord.
2. What do you know about water pollution in the oceans?
Water pollution has greatly affected the ocean. It has resulted from throwing of trash in the
ocean inform of plastic bags , water bottles, soda cans, oil spills, sewage, chemical waste
from industry, and debris washed into the ocean during natural disasters. This has endangered
ocean species, resulting to the death of birds, fish and other marine life as well
3. Did you know that “the equivalent of one garbage truck of trash enters the
oceans every 60 seconds”?
No I did not. But it is highly possible as the amount of waste being washed to the shore from
the ocean is evident of the high rate of ocean pollution. In some areas, it is so much that it is
impossible for residents to use the beach.
4. What do you think about this?
Such a rate of waste going into the ocean shows how negligent of the Ocean and marine life
the society has become. In addition, it shows that a lot of waste is being disposed in rivers
that feed the ocean.
5. Do you tend to use more plastic water bottles rather than using a reusable one?
I prefer to use the reusable ones, but in the event that I have to use non-reusable water bottles,
I will ensure that I dispose it correctly so that it does not find its way into the ocean.
6. Why or why not?
Reusable water bottles discourage one to dispose them into water bodies as they are intended
for reuse. If more are used, fewer plastic bottles will find their way into water bodies from the
mainland and from people at sea.
7. Have you ever been somewhere where you saw trash on the beach/in the water?
Yes I have. At Beachwood Beach West in New Jersey.
8. Can you describe a time when you were personally impacted by water pollution?
We planned a day’s getaway with the family to the Beachwood beach west. But we could not
swim there as the water was labeled not fit for swimming. We had to take a trip to
Pointpleasant Beach Broadway for a swimming experience.
9. How/do you think you can make a difference in eliminating water pollution and
improving the life below water?

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Running Head: OCEANIC POLLUTION 1 Oceanic Pollution Name: Institution: Date: OCEANIC POLLUTION 1. Where are you from and are you near a body of water? I am from Bayville, New Jersey. The closest water body near me is the Oslo Fjord. 2. What do you know about water pollution in the oceans? Water pollution has greatly affected the ocean. It has resulted from throwing of trash in the ocean inform of plastic bags , water bottles, soda cans, oil spills, sewage, chemical waste from industry, and debris washed into the ocean during natural disasters. This has endangered ocean species, resulting to the death of birds, fish and other marine life as well 3. Did you know that “the equivalent of one garbage truck of trash enters the oceans every 60 seconds”? No I did not. But it is highly possible as the amount of waste being washed to the shore from the ocean is evident of the high rate of ...
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