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Spinal Cord Injury

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Spinal Cord Injury
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A spinal cord injury is any harm caused in any part of the spinal cord which creates an impact in
the body. . The injury might be permanent which results in loss of strength and sensation in the
damaged area. The American Spinal Injury Association uses an unprecedented scale for the
universal classification of spinal code. A person with a spinal cord injury will have a given level
of spinal cord injury (Schuld, C. et al.2016).
According to the ISIA, the neurological injury of Brenda is a cervical level of injury, and that is
the reason why she cannot move her neck, the legs and the arms. When the cervical nerve 3 is
affected, it means that the diaphragm is affected leading to breathing problem. The effect on the
C4 is an indication of the injury of the upper body muscles which affects the movement of the
arm (Rupp, R. 2018). An impact on C5 leads to the effect on the biceps which affect the
movement of the arm. There was an effect on the lumber sacral cord which caused an impact on
the legs; hence Brenda could not move. A C5 fracture indicates a severe injury in the vertebra
which causes damage at the spinal cord C6 found in C5 and the C4 spinal roots which are
situated between the vertebral column of C4 and C5.
The injury has led to the loss of sensations in C4 dermatome and has created weakness in the
deltoid as the C4 roots were injured. From Brenda’s examination, the C5 is determined to be
weak but will surely recover after some time. The C2 to C4 muscles were determined to be
active, only that they lacked gravity. It is for this reason that the neck and the arms could not
move. The strength of muscles in C5 was considered to be palpable which caused more effect on
the arm. Brenda could, therefore, have the first sensory level at C4 due to the abnormal
dermatome and the motor level at C4 due to the loss of deltoids and biceps which makes her

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SPINAL CORD INJURY 1 Spinal Cord Injury Name Institutional Affiliation Date SPINAL CORD INJURY 2 SPINAL CORD INJURY A spinal cord injury is any harm caused in any part of the spinal cord which creates an impact in the body. . The injury might be permanent which results in loss of strength and sensation in the damaged area. The American Spinal Injury Association uses an unprecedented scale for the universal classification of spinal code. A person with a spinal cord injury will have a given level of spinal cord injury (Schuld, C. et al.2016). According to the ISIA, the neurological injury of Brenda is a cervical level of injury, and that is the reason why she cannot move her neck, the legs and the arms. When the cervical nerve 3 is affected, it means that the diaphragm is affected leading to breathing problem. The effect on the C4 is an indication of the injury of the upper body muscles which affects the movement of the arm (Rupp, R. 2018). An impact on C5 leads to the effect on the biceps which affect the movement of the arm. There was an effect on the lumber sacral cord which caused an impact on the legs; hence Brenda could not move. A C5 fracture indicates a severe injury in ...
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