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Citigroup Portfolio Sales
Institutional Affiliation

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Citigroup Portfolio Sales
The company Citi group had lots of challenges that mad it show a move into sharing part
of its portfolio debt that had discovered into being financed by most of the other companies.
Through their considerations, the company initially clouded with a more significant number of
mortgages within the market such that it was a burden to them while still serving the market. The
incorporation and involvement of Blackstone and Citigroup in the acquisition and the debt
financing of the loans ensured a successful transaction since both companies were well reputed.
The Citigroup would provide the debt financing and Blackstone would act as the security and
would base at the first line for the loss. Through this provision, it meant that the deal would
involve placing the pool of loans in a market to market set up and ensure that Citigroup was
secure in the transaction. The company would be in a position to ask for more collateral in any
instance that the market price fell way below and that there would be more convincing that the
price negotiated would favor both parties.
The manager at Blackstone nailed every part of the transaction and ensured that the deal
would favor all parties and that the loan to get purchased would not be affected by the changes in
the market values. After a dig digging and analysis of the floated portfolios from Citigroup, the
company concluded to buying part of its collection, and they aimed mainly at a better priced, and
that would have lower risks while transactions were carried. The company was backed up by
their partners TPG who were mostly involved in the more substantial part of the overall purchase
of the deal.
After much consideration, Citigroup approached most of the potential buyers who had to
seem to be in the capacity to purchase a broader portfolio of their loans. TPG and Blackstone got

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Running Head: CITIGROUP PORTFOLIO SALE Citigroup Portfolio Sales Institutional Affiliation Date 1 CITIGROUP PORTFOLIO SALES 2 Citigroup Portfolio Sales The company Citi group had lots of challenges that mad it show a move into sharing part of its portfolio debt that had discovered into being financed by most of the other companies. Through their considerations, the company initially clouded with a more significant number of mortgages within the market such that it was a burden to them while still serving the market. The incorporation and involvement of Blackstone and Citigroup in the acquisition and the debt financing of the loans ensured a successful transaction since both companies were well reputed. The Citigroup would provide the debt financing and Blackstone would act as the security and would base at the first line for the loss. Through this provision, it meant that the deal ...
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