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Pink Tax

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Running Head: PINK TAX 1
Pink Tax
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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The pink tax figuratively refers to the superfluous amount that women recompense for
certain goods and services, especially goods used for sanitized purposes, which include
razorblades, deodorants, coiffures, fragrances and many other individual maintenance products.
The main solution for this practice lies mainly in the hands of the victims who are the women
since they have the ability to avoid paying the tax through avoiding the highly charged products.
This can be achieved through substituting to similar products that are used by men, purchasing
the same women products in bulk in order to enjoy discounts, use of credit cards, signing up to
store devotion programs or even shopping for items with seasonal packing.
Firms should not cut its profits in order to be fair but instead should use different
techniques such as price discrimination, whereby some people will be able to purchase the same
products at lower prices than others. Therefore, most of the customers will purchase the products
comfortably due to loyalty and willingness to buy hence the firm will always sell more and earn
the same or upgraded returns. The decision is left for the women consumers to confirm whether
the practice is favorable as they have the right to make choice on whether to purchase the
expensive products or not. The main reason why most of them do not buy the less expensive
goods is because of their brand preferences and loyalty. The main way that can be used to change
the society’s thinking into approval that pink tax is acceptable is the use of price discrimination,
which will ensure that every woman in the society is receiving the products at their preferable
prices. This will make both the rich and poor to be at indifference hence pink tax will be viewed
as acceptable.

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Running Head: PINK TAX 1 Pink Tax Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation PINK TAX 2 The pink tax figuratively refers to the superfluous amount that women recompense for certain goods and services, especially goods used for sanitized purposes, which include razorblades, deodorants, coiffures, fragrances and many other individual maintenance products. The main solution for this practice lies mainly in the hands of the victims who are the women since they have the ability to avoid paying the tax through avoiding the highly charged products. This can be achieved through substituting to similar products that are used by men, purchasing the same women products in bulk in order to enjoy discounts, use of credit cards, signing up to store devotion programs or even shopping for items with seasonal packing. Firms should not cut its profits in order to be fair but instead should use diffe ...
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