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Business Law
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Surname 1
March 30, 2019
Discussion post responses
Post 1 (assignment 1)
I am in agreement concerning the presence of a distinct difference between a company,
the shareholders and the society at large. The company does play a big role in proving quality
goods and services for their clients. It is true that it is also responsible for providing a safe and
conducive environment for their employees. You are right about company’s prioritizing human
life and safety. All companies are liable for any harm that comes upon their clients as a result of
their products or services. The clients have a right to safety. The company is also expected to be
honest about its products.
It is true that the shareholders are responsible for keeping the company in check.
Additionally, these are the people that own shares of the company. They benefit from the
increasing value of the company’s shares by earning dividends from it. I agree with you about
the society at large being made up of the consumers who will determine the success of the
company. In the event a product or service is unsatisfactory, these are the people who will raise
complaints among themselves and discredit the product. However, these are the same people
who will be affected by the operations of the company in the event they live in the area.

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Surname 1 Name Course Professor March 30, 2019 Discussion post responses Post 1 (assignment 1) I am in agreement concerning the presence of a distinct difference between a company, the shareholders and the society at large. The company does play a big role in proving quality goods and services for their clients. It is true that it is also responsible for providing a safe and conducive environment for their employees. You are right about company’s prioritizing human life and safety. All companies are liable for any harm that comes upon their clients as a result of their products or services. ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
