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Third Degree Interrogation Approach
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Third Degree Interrogation Approach
The third-degree interrogation approach is simply the process of infliction of pain or
physical torture to a suspect. It also entails mental abuse by the police with a view of extracting
information and confession from suspects. The approach was widely used during the medieval
times in Britain (Kassin, 2008). In the current state, the approach is a violation of the human
rights and abuse of humanity. From a Christian standpoint, the approach should not be applied
since it is never an option or justified due to violation of humanity. There are several reasons as
to why the "third-degree" interrogation tactics is widely condemned.
Close view of the model shows that the third-degree interrogation entails coercion and
torture of the individual. The torture can be physical or even mental. Causing torture and pain to
the suspect is a gross violation of human rights. From the Christian standpoint, it is an abuse of
human dignity since it entails causing pain or even stress to the suspect. It is thus hurting and
may cause permanent injury or even depression to the affected parties (Leo, 2004). Still, it has
been associated with different impact after the infliction of fear and pain to the target party. The
model also is associated with threats and violence which may cause death to the individual.
Cases of structural damage to the flesh and the soft tissues have been associated with the
approach. In other cases, the suspects end up confessing for fear of death or injury. It is hence a
forced way of admitting to acts committed or even not committed (Leibowitz, 2007). It is
therefore against the morality, human dignity and value for life. Human life is sacred, and no
individual should take it, either through threat, torture or injury while forcing confessions. From
a Christian standpoint, it is hence advisable for one to apply modern methods such as
physiological manipulation and close observations to get the details. The model should be
shunned since it is a gross violation of human rights.

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Running head: THIRD DEGREE” INTERROGATION APPROACH Third Degree Interrogation Approach Institution Affiliation Date 1 THIRD DEGREE INTERROGATION APPROACH 2 Third Degree Interrogation Approach The third-degree interrogation approach is simply the process of infliction of pain or physical torture to a suspect. It also entails mental abuse by the police with a view of extracting information and confession from suspects. The approach was widely used during the medieval times in Britain (Kassin, 2008). In the current state, the approach is a violation of the human rights and abuse of humanity. From a Christian standpoint, the approach should not be applied since it is never an option or justified due to violation of humanity. There are several reasons as to why the "third-degree" interrogation tactics is widely condemned. Close view of the model shows that the third-degree interrogation entails coercion and torture of the individual. The torture can be physical or even mental. Causing torture and pain t o the suspect is a gross violation of human rights. From the Christian standpoint, it is an abuse of human dignity since it entails causing pain or even stress to the suspect. It ...
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