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Character Analysis Of The Story Of An Hour

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Character Analysis of “The Story of an Hour”
Take hold of the day and stay for the moment. Engage in things that make you happy
when given an opportunity since you may not get another chance. Kate Chopin composes a
tale of a woman who fails to take hold of the day. A short story of “The Story of an Hour”
comprises Louise Mallard as the main character. The author utilizes few pages to convey
various feelings and emotions that Mrs. Mallard persists after death news of her husband. At
the beginning of the story, Mrs. Mallard tends to be a grieving widow but later on changes to
an impregnable independent woman. To help establish the character of Louise Mallard in
“The Story of an Hour,” Kate Chopin utilizes death. Louise Mallard starts the tale as an
unhappy, frail woman who is not contented with her femininity. Later on, she overpowers her
fears and emerges as a potent independent woman who is ready to search for happiness.
According to Chopin, the Story of an Hour occurs in the home of Mallard in the late
century. The short story has various events that happen in an hour. The author utilizes
characters to convey the concept of self-fulfillment and freedom throughout the text. The
narrative starts with Richards and Josephine exquisitely breaking the death news of Brently
Mallard to Louise Mallard, his wife. This way, she locks herself in a room to grief her
husband’s loss. She started feeling free and liberated from the loneliness thoughts. It is
ironical for her to sob and cry about her husband’s death yet secretly she is happy about her
newfound freedom. However, she has just found out the meaning of happiness concerning
her husband. Regardless of the new democracy, she died of a heart attack after her husband
enters the room (Chopin, 3).

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Chopin describes Louise Mallard, as a young, sheltered, white woman is not happy
about her recent life (Koloski). She suffers from heart troubles. Severally, other characters in
the story try to conceal and cover-up what is happening to form Louise Mallard. They put
away their emotions to make sure that she is doing well. When disclosing the breaking news
of the death of Brently Mallard, individuals took precautions, “… broken sentences; veiled
hints that revealed in half concealing,(Chopin, 1). During the last instant of the story, they
also decide to hide their emotions. Chopin points out that “Richards’s quick motion to screen
him from the view of his wife.” It is another example of how Josephine and Richard succeed
protecting and putting feelings of Mrs. Mallard.
Mrs. Mallard is dearly loved, married, and cared for by friends and family. However,
she does not seem satisfied until she receives the death news of her husband. She said it over
and over underneath her breath: ‘free, free, free!’”. According to Chopin, the previous event
knowledge have eventually begun to set in; she is praying for just the opposite after
shuddering at the thought of a long life. This way, she is eager to admit her new gotten
freedom because of her husband’s death, “...she would live for herself” (Chopin, 2). Mrs.
Mallard is curious to live without her husband and be alone. The author also composes,
“There would be no powerful will bending hers…” indicating that Louise Mallard might be
Mrs. Mallard is submissive and figured as potent regardless of her appearance and
illness. The author says, “It was only yesterday she had thought it with a shudder that life
might be long,” she is eagerly waiting for death for relieving from her responsibilities and
duties as a wife. The life of Mrs. Mallard becomes stressful and exasperating following her
oppressive husband, a contrite heart, and overbearing sister. According to Goldberg and
Carrie, the signs of anxiety includes medical illness, stress from a marriage, and emotional
trauma like the demise of loved ones. However, Louise reveals various signs and symptoms

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Surname 1 Student’s Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Character Analysis of “The Story of an Hour” Take hold of the day and stay for the moment. Engage in things that make you happy when given an opportunity since you may not get another chance. Kate Chopin composes a tale of a woman who fails to take hold of the day. A short story of “The Story of an Hour” comprises Louise Mallard as the main character. The author utilizes few pages to convey various feelings and emotions that Mrs. Mallard persists after death news of her husband. At the beginning of the story, Mrs. Mallard tends to be a grieving widow but later on changes to an impregnable independent woman. To help establish the character of Louise Mallard in “The Story of an Hour,” Kate Chopin utilizes death. Louise Mallard starts the tale as an unhappy, frail woman who is not contented with her femininity. Later on, she overpowers her fears and emerges as a potent independent woman who is ready to search for happiness. According to Chopin, the Story of an Hour occurs in the home of Mallard in the late 19th century. The short story has various events that happen in an hour. The author utilizes characters to convey the concept of self-fulfillment and freedom throughout the text. The narrative starts with Richards and Josephine exquisitely breaking the death news of Brently Mallard to Louise Mallard, his wife. This way, she locks herself in a room to grief her husband’s loss. She started feeling free and libe ...
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Great content here. Definitely a returning customer.
