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How can one build a social economic environment as a leader? Do leaders exhibit traits
that will enable them to make a good society for people to live in? These are some of the
questions people worry about in a gathered community. Therefore before listing some of ways of
building a better economy as a good leader first of all one has to understand what leadership is or
who is a leader? Leadership may be defined as the act of a organizing certain people in order to
achieve a common goal while a leader may be defined simply as that person whom people follow
or in other words someone that guides and directs others.
How do we describe strong leaders? Some qualities for example adaptability, time
conscientiousness, intelligence and responsibility are among the most important. Research shows
that transformational leaders- leaders, who give morale, enhance motivation and performance
through a system of laid rules and regulations- are better leader. This makes them to be more
valued by followers and they also have high quality performing teams. Transformational leaders
are usually described as passionate, focused, energetic, enthusiastic and genuine.
Dodson (131) says that she honestly believes that you cannot underestimate the power of
great leadership towards constructing a good society basic on good economics, because it is from
great leadership that impossible seems to be possible. So how can you learn to embrace the
characteristics of being a better leader towards achieving your goals? Below are some of the

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ways on how to build an economy as a leader and visualize on ways that can be used to be
implement them in your society.
Leading by example as Dodson (121) postulates that in our modern world “do as I say,
not as I do” is not applicable. What you expect from people you are leading, you should expect it
from yourself first. If the team you are leading makes a mistake, be accountable for what has
happened before shifting the mistake to someone else. If you want people to be on time then you
also need to be on time before anybody else. Thus, serve as a role model.
According to Dodson (164) learn to encourage creativity as a leader, encourage your
followers to express their creativity. Your leadership should offer new set of challenges that will
help your followers achieve their goals. A simple way of improving creativity is offering
challenges to your followers to ensure that the goals achievable. The purpose of this step is to
make followers to stretch to the edge of their limits.
Another way as illustrated by Dodson (126) a good leader should be able to focus in
providing face-to-face communication to his or her followers. You should be able to express
honesty and sincere care to them both verbal and non-verbal. Be open minded to ensure that your
followers feel free to make contributions and thus receive appreciation for their achievements.
Be positive while trying to heal the harms of economics (Dodson 162). She further says it
is good to be optimistic as this serves as a good inspiration to the followers. Don’t seem to be
discouraged since your followers might be uninspired. Even if the situation is not okay stay
positive so as your followers may not be disheartened. Thus maintain a good sense of optimism
in your face.
Working as a core class towards intersecting the daily life as Dodson (169) clearly tells us
helps in understanding deeply the economic needs, hopes and plans of the society. She further

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Name Tutor Institution Course Date BUILDING A SOCIAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT How can one build a social economic environment as a leader? Do leaders exhibit traits that will enable them to make a good society for people to live in? These are some of the questions people worry about in a gathered community. Therefore before listing some of ways of building a better economy as a good leader first of all one has to understand what leadership is or who is a leader? Leadership may be defined as the act of a organizing certain people in order to achieve a common goal while a leader may be defined simply as that person whom people follow or in other words someone that guides and directs others. How do we describe strong leaders? Some qualities for example adaptability, time conscientiousness, intelligence and responsibility are among the most important. Research shows that transformational leaders ...
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