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Unequal Education

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Rhetorical analysis
Dynarski argues that education in the United States is unequal with disparities observed in the
academic performance between the students in poor districts and those in richer areas. Dynarski
supports her claim with statistics that show how economic reasons continues to widen the gap
between the richest and poorest students in the country. For Dynarski she reveals how the
indicator of economic status that is being used by policymakers, researchers and educators can
be ineffective in gauging the gaps in academic performance across the country (Dynarski).
Dynarski believes that the true status of the education in the country has been ignore by
policymakers for a long time. Even though the poorest of the poor qualify for the subsidized
lunch Dynarski says that this is not helping out because the students continue to score poorly in
their academics (Dynarski). What I admire with Dynarski is her extensive application of research
that backs up her claim. Dynarski does not simply argue, but instead, she uses standard
deviations to show the gaps that exist in performance between the children in affluent
neighborhoods and those in poor areas.
Dynarski says that there is a linear negative relationship between the economically
disadvantaged and academic performance especially in subjects such as math (Dynarski). Even
with the provision of subsidized or free lunch meals the economically underprivileged students

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still face economic hardships that place them at a more disadvantaged position. Dynarski uses
examples where the economically disadvantaged students are raised by single parents where just
2% of them have a college degree compared to 57% for those parents that are economically well
off (Dynarski).
I admire the way Dynarski challenges the policy makers, educators, and researchers who are his
main audience. For Dynarski she does not come up with an empty accusation but instead, she
uses a unique approach that assesses the situation of the education system, and she highlights the
faults within the system itself. For instance, Dynarski says that no one decided the use of the
subsidized meals formula that was used to help the disadvantaged students but instead the
metrics came by default to differentiate between the richer and poorer children (Dynarski). By
analyzing the system, Dynarski is able to help her target audience understand where they went
wrong with using the system that they have relied on for years to solve the issue of equality in
the education sector.
Dynarski as a professor of education, economics and public policy at the University of Michigan
uses her knowledge to reveal the real problems with the education system. I admire the way she
juxtaposes the economy with the education system as she notes the relationship between the two
fields of knowledge. From Dynarski’s background, she is in a better position of taking a close up
shot at the situation because she extracts her facts from previous research and from her personal
Even though Dynarski puts forth a reasonable claim that the education system is unequal, she
ignores other critical factors that affect the education system. Other than the economic factors
that advantage or disadvantage children in the U.S there are other factors influencing education
such as technology. Another flaw that I note in the article is that it does not provide a solution to

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Surname 1 Name Instructor Course Date Rhetorical analysis Dynarski argues that education in the United States is unequal with disparities observed in the academic performance between the students in poor districts and those in richer areas. Dynarski supports her claim with statistics that show how economic reasons continues to widen the gap between the richest and poorest students in the country. For Dynarski she reveals how the indicator of economic status that is being used by policymakers, researchers and educators can be ineffective in gauging the gaps in academic performance across the country (Dynarski). Dynarski believes that the true status of the education in the country has been ignore by policymakers for a long time. Even though the poorest of the poor qualify for the subsidized lunch Dynarski says that this is not helping out because the students continue to score poorly in their academics (Dynarski). What I admire with Dynarski is her extensive application of research that backs up her claim. Dynarski does not simply argue, but instead, she uses standard deviations to show the gaps that exist in performance between the children in affluent neighborhoods and those in p ...
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