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Role Of Women In Us Politics.

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Political Science
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Running Head: Women in Politics 1
Institutional Affiliation

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Women In Politics 2
The rise of women in politics had long been seen as a wake of a liberal state which put an
imbalance to the family set-up and the social status of men. Such a view from the society has
continually robbed the women the chance to be accepted as equals in all walks of life ranging from,
family set-ups to the industrial set-ups. Yet, through all the challenges that the women have faced,
they have continually fought through the barriers, breaking the glass ceilings in everything that
they pursued.
The women in the US have been on the front line to bring an awareness of the capacity of
women across the world, inspiring and educating the masses on the importance equal right between
men and women. Women have inspired the fight for equality even for the marginalized groups
such as the African-American community and the Hispanic community in the USA. The fights for
equality offered a chance for the women to be able to vote during democratic processes in America
in 1920 after the 19
amendment of the constitution was ratified (CAWP, 2019). Women in politics
have been on the forefront for the mass perception of the benefits that come from diversity which
has created tolerance and harmony in the nation.
Women are generally seen as the pillars of any community, and this has been confirmed
by the constant work that the women in politics do for the people in different communities. Women
in politics have a higher tendency of leaning on issues such as health and Medicare, education,
environmental issues, and abortion issues. The women often set the tone for the community
empowerment projects that help the people in gaining advantages from the government (IWPR,
2019). The women have contributed greatly to the welfare of the poor and the underprivileged in
the USA by offering sponsorship programs and housing programs for the people in the community.
Of the women in politics, it is clear that Hillary Clinton is recently the most vibrant and
renowned woman to have risen to the highest positions as the secretary to the state. Under Obama's

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Running Head: Women in Politics 1 WOMEN IN POLITICS Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date Women In Politics 2 The rise of women in politics had long been seen as a wake of a liberal state which put an imbalance to the family set-up and the social status of men. Such a view from the society has continually robbed the women the chance to be accepted as equals in all walks of life ranging from, family set-ups to the industrial set-ups. Yet, through all the challenges that the women have faced, they have continually fought through the barriers, breaking the glass ceilings in everything that they pursued. The women in the US have been on the front line to bring an awareness of the capacity of women across the world, inspiring and educating the masses on the importance equal right between men and women. Women have inspired the fight for equality even for the marginalized groups such as the African-American community and the Hispanic community in the USA. The fights for equality offered a chance for the women to be able to vote during democratic processes in America in 1920 after the 19th amendment of the constitution was ratified (CAWP, 2019). Women in politics have been on th ...
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