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Assessment And Evaluation of Mr. M’s Mental Condition
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Assessment And Evaluation of Mr. M’s Mental Condition
In the analysis of Mr. M’s mental health as ordered by the court, I take notice of the
previous report from where Mr. M was treated for his minor injuries. These reports indicated
signs of agitation, paranoia and incoherency. This is an indication that Mr. M’s behavior was not
natural. However, it is natural to feel agitated or paranoid in stress inducing situations. The
psychiatrist’s evaluation shows that Mr. M has atypical psychosis which is well supported by the
clinical symptoms indicated by the health center that treated Mr. M for his injuries. The MMPI 2
test evaluation gives a wider picture on the psychological state of Mr. M. Although the test spans
wide test areas, of importance is the cognitive dysfunction, thought dysfunction, behavioral
dysfunction, interpersonal functioning and interest test results. These should enable a
comprehensive evaluation of Mr. M’s mental condition as ordered by the court. The MMPI 2
substantive scales show that cognitive thought and behavioral dysfunction are pre dominant in
Mr. M’s evaluation.
In the light of Mr. M’s evaluation, I would base my evaluation on the MMPI 2 results
alone. I would therefore recommend a set of further test which should give more insight on the
Mr. M’s mental evaluation. The following tests are recommended; Personality Assessment
Inventory Test, this test should provide a psychopathology evaluation that is devoid of
weaknesses such as exaggeration and malingering (Morey, 1991). Another test is the Miller
Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test which should establish the true state of Mr. M’s mental
state, something that would help the court to pursue the case or not. Lastly, I would recommend
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III test which should provide an evaluation based on
clinical tests rather than just personality tests.

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Running head: MENTAL EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT Assessment And Evaluation of Mr. M’s Mental Condition Name Instructor Course Institutional Affiliation Date of Submission 1 MENTAL EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT 2 Assessment And Evaluation of Mr. M’s Mental Condition In the analysis of Mr. M’s mental health as ordered by the court, I take notice of the previous report from where Mr. M was treated for his minor injuries. These reports indicated signs of agitation, paranoia and incoherency. This is an indication that Mr. M’s behavior was not natural. However, it is natural to feel agitated or paranoid in stress inducing situations. The psychiatrist’s evaluation shows that Mr. M has atypical psychosis which is well supported by the clinical symptoms indicated by the health center that treated Mr. M for his injuries. The MMPI 2 test evaluation gives a wider picture on the psychological state of Mr. M. Although the test spans wide test areas, of importance is the cognitive dysfunction, thought dysfunction, behavioral dysfunction, interpersonal functioning and interest test results. These should enable a comprehensive evaluation of Mr. M’s mental condition as ordered by the court. The MMPI 2 substantive scales show that cognitive thought and behavioral dysfunction are pre dominant in Mr. M’s evaluation. In the light of Mr. M’s evaluation, I would base my evaluation on the MMPI 2 results alone. I would therefore recommend a set of further test which should give more in ...
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