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Leadership And Organizational Effectiveness

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Rasmussen University
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Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness
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To: Chief Operating Officer, Netflix.
From: Director of HR, Netflix.
Subject: Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness
Greetings and congratulations on being elected the new Chief Operating Officer. In line
with your request on drafting a plan for developing the training program for the newly on-
boarded leaders, I drafted the following five training steps that will be paramount in cultivating
the leadership culture to the new leaders. The plan will educate all staff levels on the priceless
skills and make them to effectively lead, inspire, and guide other employees to success. The draft
a) Defining what type of leaders are needed
b) Aligning the leaders` career goals and vision with the business needs
c) Creating a list of goals and skills for leadership development including
communication expectations
d) Identifying which method of training to use, create training, and
development plan
e) Measuring and analyzing the training program results
In line with the company’s mission, vision, and goals, incorporating these plans will
make Netflix the best entertainment distributor service worldwide.
The desired leadership style will be visionary leadership. According to Iordanoglou
(2018), a visionary leader develops a higher conscience and consciousness in growing the
business, and this will make them focus on the big strategic agendas that will have the biggest
impact in bringing their dreams into reality. The leadership style will be more participative than

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1 Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code Course 2 To: Chief Operating Officer, Netflix. From: Director of HR, Netflix. Subject: Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness Greetings and congratulations on being elected the new Chief Operating Officer. In line with your request on drafting a plan for developing the training program for the newly onboarded leaders, I drafted the following five training steps that will be paramount in cultivating the leadership culture to the new leaders. The plan will educate all staff levels on the priceless skills and make them to effectively lead, inspire, and guide other employees to success. The draft includes; a) Defining what type of leaders are needed b) Aligning the leaders` career goals and vision with the business needs c) Creating a list of goals and skills for leadership development including communication expectations d) Identifying which method of training to use, create training, and development plan e) Measuring and analyzing the training program results In line with the company’s mission, vision, and goals, incorporating these plans will make Netflix the best entertainment distributor service worldwide. The desired leadership style will be visionary leadership. According to Iordanoglou (2018), a visionary leader develops a higher conscience and consciousness in growing the business, and this will make them focus on the big strategic agendas that will have the big ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.
