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Name Institution Affiliation ARGUMMENTIVE AND ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM  An approach for replacing speech or writing for those individual who have speech or writing impairment.  It can be permanent or temporally  Highly used by people who have speech problem whether through surgery or permanent speech impairment. AAC SYSTEM  People with speech disability normally use AAC system that support in their communication. There two main ACC system  Unaided system  Aided system   Basic High technology system Features of AAC system  Unaided being the use of sign language and facial expression, the sign language is dived into two  Language encoder  Sign that are language  While Aided has  High tech  Low tech Form of AAC system  AAC can be static with symbol positioned statically.  Dynamic that allow users to change symbol through links. AAC ASSESSMENT  AAC assessment is determined by  Current user’s need  Present communication  User present and future communication need EFFECTS OF AAC  Users communicate effectively  Users shows improved skills in communication and in use of AAC system  Language improvement  Social competency ADVANTAGES OF MULTIMODAL COMMUNICATION  The ability to communicate through different modes     such as Verbal communication Sign languages Presentation through powerpoint Non- verbal communication IMPORTANCE OF COLLABORATION WITH EIP TEAM, ADMINISTRATOR AND FAM ...
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