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C347 Impact Of Alcohol And Drugs And Therapeutic Interventions

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The Impact of Alcohol and Drugs
Institutional Affiliation

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Part 1
Negative impacts that drugs and alcohol on crime victims
Drugs and alcohol have been cited as a causative reason for violence in more than 75% of
the people who are undergoing drug addiction treatment (National Council on Alcoholism and
Drug Dependence, n.d.). The kinds of violence and acts of crime that such people committed
included mugging, physical assault and assault with a deadly weapon. When the violence is
committed by an intimate partner, the influence of alcohol is almost always a reason that the
victims blame the violent behavior on. The tendency to perform acts of violence increases with
the intoxication of the perpetrators especially if they are prone to suppression of anger and
negative emotions.
Expression of such emotions is done through being violent, and this results in increased
risk-taking behaviors like dangerous driving or sexual risks. Driving under the influence of
alcohol and drugs results to over speeding and increases the risks of accidents which endangers
the lives of other people especially if the offender is a family man. Drugs and alcohol also affect
intimate partners who may be exposed to domestic violence. In relationships with persons
addicted to drugs and alcohol, the victims face an increased likelihood of sexual abuse as well as
contracting sexually transmitted diseases (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug
Dependence, n.d.).
Negative impacts that drugs and alcohol on crime offenders
For most of the crimes that offenders are indicted and incarcerated in the US, 80% of
them are the direct results of alcohol and drugs. These offences range from burglary and property
crime, public-order offenses, drug trafficking and use, murder and rape among others. Drugs and

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Running head: IMPACT OF ALCOHOL AND DRUGS The Impact of Alcohol and Drugs Institutional Affiliation Date 1 IMPACT OF DRUGS AND ALCOHOL 2 Part 1 Negative impacts that drugs and alcohol on crime victims Drugs and alcohol have been cited as a causative reason for violence in more than 75% of the people who are undergoing drug addiction treatment (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, n.d.). The kinds of violence and acts of crime that such people committed included mugging, physical assault and assault with a deadly weapon. When the violence is committed by an intimate partner, the influence of alcohol is almost always a reason that the victims blame the violent behavior on. The tendency to perform acts of violence increases with the intoxication of the perpetrators especially if they are prone to suppression of anger and negative emotions. Expression of such emotions is done through being violent, and this results in increased risk-taking behaviors like dangerous driving or sexual risks. Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs results to over speeding and increases the risks of accidents which endangers the lives of other people especially if the offender is a family man. Drugs and alcohol also affect intimate partners who may be exposed to domestic violence. In relationships with persons addicted to drugs and alcohol, the victims face an increased likelihood of sexual abuse as well as contracting sexually transmitted diseases (National Council on A ...
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Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.
