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Qualitative Studies

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Qualitative Studies Research Critique

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Qualitative Studies Research Critique
Patient falls have been studied in many qualitative research projects. The first article in
this analysis is “deficient reporting of falls in nursing homes” by Øygard et al. (2017). In this
study, the researchers wanted to determine whether nurses document the process of monitoring
elderly patients’ falls. This study tackles the problem of deficient monitoring and documentation
of falls and fall-related events in healthcare settings. Therefore, the purpose of the research was
to describe the state of documentation of falls in nursing homes and determine whether the
current state in the Norwegian setting was sufficient for enhancing patient safety.
The second article for this review is “increased care demand and medical costs after falls
in nursing homes: A Delphi study” by Sterke et al. (2018). The purpose of this research was to
determine whether medication costs and nursing care increase after an individual experiences
falls. Falls are associated with additional care requirements for injury incurred in the fall. The
objective of this study was to determine the rates and levels of increase in medical care costs and
nursing care required with additional falls. While Øygard et al. (2017) focus on documentation,
Sterke et al. (2018) focus on costs and additional care or patent falls.
Support for Nursing Practice Issue
The nursing practice issue of concern is patient falls and the aim of the project is to
reduce rates of falls in the healthcare organization. Both articles support the nursing practice
issue by exploring factors and consequences of patient falls. Øygard et al. (2017) will be used to
answer the PICOT question by outlining factors that may affect the effectiveness of patient falls
interventions such as documentation. Additionally, knowledge from Sterke et al. (2018) will be
used to monitor patient fall costs in the healthcare organization as one of the desired outcomes of

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1 Qualitative Studies Research Critique Name Institution Course Professor Date 2 Qualitative Studies Research Critique Patient falls have been studied in many qualitative research projects. The first article in this analysis is “deficient reporting of falls in nursing homes” by Øygard et al. (2017). In this study, the researchers wanted to determine whether nurses document the process of monitoring elderly patients’ falls. This study tackles the problem of deficient monitoring and documentation of falls and fall-related events in healthcare settings. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to describe the state of documentation of falls in nursing homes and determine whether the current state in the Norwegian setting was sufficient for enhancing patient safety. The second article for this review is “increased care demand and medical costs after falls in nursing homes: A Delphi study” by Sterke et al. (2018). The purpose of this research was to determine whether medication costs and nursing care increase after an individual experiences falls. Falls are associated with additional care requirements for injury incurred in the fall. The objective of this study was to determine the rates and levels of increase in medical care costs and nursing care required with additional falls. While Øygard et al. (2017) focus on documentation, Sterke et al. (2018) focus on costs and additional care or patent falls. Support for Nursing Practice Issue The nursing practice issue ...
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