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Ethical Dilemma

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Running head: ETHICAL DILEMMA 1
Ethical Dilemma

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Ethical Dilemma:
Is it our moral responsibility to use advanced biotechnological techniques to develop
genetically-modified crops?
Instructions and explanation
Section 1:
I believe it is our ethical responsibility to use advanced biotechnological techniques to
develop genetically-modified crops.
I know that it is our moral responsibility to use advanced biotechnological techniques to
develop genetically-modified crops. It is a moral imperious to avail genetically-modified crops to
those who need them; especially in developing countries (Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 2003,
p. 5). Through the agriculture of genetically-modified crops, it is possible to create employment-
intensive agricultural production while complying with international safeguards. The ability of
large biotechnological companies to buy seed companies is thus beneficial to the farmers. This is
because they will be able easily to obtain genetically-modified seeds that work better than those
of the seed companies.
The economic benefits and production efficiency of genetically-modified crops have been
the hallmarks of these crops in modern agriculture. However, enriched nutritional values of these
crops are the main benefit for the consumers. According to the Nuffield Council of Bioethics
(1999) report, there is no adequate ‘evidence of actual potential harm to justify a moratorium’ on
these crops (p. 12). The report concluded that all the genetically-modified crops in the market
were safe and fit for human consumption. The safety of these crops, coupled by their superior
nutritional benefits, makes them better alternatives for all consumers.
Genetically-modified crops have rightly risen to the mainstream. Biotechnology
companies such as Monsanto have gone to acquire many seed companies. This implies that the
amount of genetically-modified seeds will increase in supply. This will further increase the
availability of genetically-modified crops. This allows greater nutrition supply to consumers and
bumper harvest to the farmers in all countries; especially the developing countries.

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Ethical Dilemma Name Institution Date Ethical Dilemma: Is it our moral responsibility to use advanced biotechnological?techniques to develop genetically-modified crops? Instructions and explanation Section 1: I believe it is our ethical responsibility to use advanced biotechnological?techniques to develop genetically-modified crops. I know that it is our moral responsibility to use advanced biotechnological techniques to develop genetically-modified crops. It is a moral imperious to avail genetically-modified crops to those who need them; especially in developing countries (Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 2003, p. 5). Through the agriculture of genetically-modified crops, it is possible to create employment-intensive agricultural production while complying with international safeguards. The ability of large biotechnological companies to buy seed companies is thus beneficial to the farmers. This is because they will be able easily to obtain genetically-modified seeds that work better than those of the seed companies. The economic benefits and production efficiency of genetically-modified crops have been the hallmarks of these crops in modern agriculture. However, enriched nutritional values of these crops are the main benefit for the consumers. According to the Nuffield Council of Bioethics (1999) report, there is no adequate 'evidence of actual potential harm to justify a moratorium' on these crops (p. 12). The report concluded that all the genet ...
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