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Student’s Name Rasmussen NPR Concept Plan Date
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Possible Medications
Furosemide 20-80 mg, taken once a day.
The drug reduces the amount of fluids in
the brain tissue.
Carbamazepine 200 mg per oral twice a
day. The drug acts as an anti-seizure in
case the patient experiences seizures
(Levin 2015).
Ibuprofen 800 mg to relieve headache
Clinical Manifestations
Subjective: Headaches for the last three
Objective: Altered level of consciousness,
elevated blood pressure, and a large bleed
area in the frontal lobe.
Possible Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for ineffective airway clearance
related to altered level of consciousness
Ineffective intracerebral tissue perfusion
related to damage of blood vessels
evidenced by a CT scan.
Chronic pain related to increased
intracranial pressure.
Medical Diagnosis
Traumatic brain injury
Patient Data/Risk Factors
African American population
Male gender (Gardner, 2015)
Medical Interventions
Put the patient on oxygen to recover
Give medications such as furosemide,
carbamazepine, and ibuprofen among
others (Levine, 2015).
Surgery to reduce bleeding and
remove blood clots.
The disease results due to narrowing of blood
vessels. Blood pressure builds leading to the
bursting of the vessels. Bleeding occurs
resulting in clotting in the brain. The clots
block further flow of blood to the brain
leading to hypoperfusion which then leads to
brain injury (Dixon, 2017).
Nursing Interventions
Ineffective airway clearance: position
the patient appropriately to avoid
upward movement of abdominal
contents to block the airway. Also,
perform nasotracheal suctioning to
remove secretions.
Ineffective intracerebral tissue
perfusion: Allow the patient to sit for
about five minutes.
Chronic pain: Administer Ibuprofen.
Diagnostic Data
Altered level of conscious
Bleeding in the frontal lobe
Elevated blood pressure
Patient Education
Advice the patient to seek medical
care in case of any problems.
Advice the patient to take care to
avoid further head injuries (Carney,
Teach the patient on self-care and

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Student’s Name Rasmussen NPR Concept Plan Possible Medications • • • Furosemide 20-80 mg, taken once a day. The drug reduces the amount of fluids in the brain tissue. Carbamazepine 200 mg per oral twice a day. The drug acts as an anti-seizure in case the patient experiences seizures (Levin 2015). Ibuprofen 800 mg to relieve headache Clinical Manifestations Altered level of conscious Headache Bleeding in the frontal lobe Elevated blood pressure [Type text] • • Objective: Altered level of consciousness, elevated blood pressure, and a large bleed area in the frontal lobe. ? ...
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