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Affordable Care Act

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Affordable Care Act
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In the United States, inequalities in medical care are prevalent. The Affordable Care
Act was passed in the year 2010, and in 2014 it was fully implemented in efforts to increase
the coverage and pass about a new period of health care access. Its main goal was to
minimise the number of uninsured people in the US (Protection & Act, 2010).
.Summarize the public problem that led to the passage of the PPACA
The blueprints for PPACA are the conservative plan of market competition and the
state’s progressive vision of worldwide coverage: that no one should go broke just because
they are sick, all should have access to quality and affordable health care (Sommers et al.,
Research factors are leading to the amendment of the PPACA.
The urge to reform healthcare persists vital due to its impact upon many factors:
Competitiveness of Americas- the American Electronics Association, the CEOs of
the “big three” United States automakers and the Manufacturers Council complained of the
high costs of healthcare that greatly affects Americas manufacturing base as well as acting as
burden to American business (Protection & Act, 2010; Sommers et al., 2012).
. The ability of Americans to handle other issues- the healthcare cost for the nation
at large restricts that may otherwise be accessible to pay down state, local and federal
government debt, improve education, invest in research and rebuild infrastructure. Failure to
have changed, the healthcare cost by 2012 will be equal to 0ne-fifth of the GDP (Sommers et
al., 2012).

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Running head: AFFORDABLE CARE ACT 1 Affordable Care Act Institutional Affiliation Student Name Corse Name Subject Name Date AFFORDABLE CARE ACT 2 Introduction In the United States, inequalities in medical care are prevalent. The Affordable Care Act was passed in the year 2010, and in 2014 it was fully implemented in efforts to increase the coverage and pass about a new period of health care access. Its main goal was to minimise the number of uninsured people in the US (Protection & Act, 2010). .Summarize the public problem that led to the passage of the PPACA The blueprints for PPACA are the conservative plan of market competition and the state’s progressive vision of worldwide coverage: that no one should go broke just because they are sick, all should have access to quality and affordable health care (Sommers et al., 2012). Research factors are leading to the amendment of the PPACA. The urge to reform healthcare persists vital due to its impact upon many factors: Competitiveness of Americas- the American Electronics Association, the CEOs of the “big three” United States automakers and the Manufacturers Council complained of the high costs of healthcare that greatly affects Americas manufacturing base as well as acting as burden to American business (Protection & Act, 2010; Sommers et al., 2012). . The ability of Americans to handle other issues- the healthcare cost for the nation at large restricts that may otherwise be accessible to pay down state, loca ...
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