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Running head: RESPONSE 1
Student`s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Question 1
In case the emergency room was not on diversions, and the hospital failed to assist the patient,
the liability would have fallen on them. This is as they could have acted unethically by not acting
on an emergency yet they could have been able to do so. However, 100% liability could not be
placed on the on-call physician. This is as he had assessed the patient and decided that the
principle of no maleficence was supposed to come into play. As such there was the need to have
the patient transferred to a better-placed institution for better treatment.
Question 2
The main aim of a hospital is to save the lives of their patients. This is usually one of the guiding
principles for people working in the field (Luce & White 2009). It could have therefore been
logical for the hospital to stabilize the condition of the patient before contacting the on-call
physician. First aid is of importance to any patient coming in for whatever reasons. The moment
they stabilize from the situation, the emergency team could now call a more specialized medical
personnel to handle the patient through recovery.
Question 3
Every individual in the medical field has their area of specialization (Luce & White 2009). It
could, therefore, be logical and ethical at the same time for the on-call physician to request the
transfer of the patient. Such a move would be an indication of their respect to the patient and
their acknowledgment of the conditions they can handle and those that they are unable to handle.
Such a move would not be a case of negligence but rather a case where the physician acted
ethically and by the principles of the industry.

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Running head: RESPONSE 1 Response Student`s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date RESPONSE 2 Response Question 1 In case the emergency room was not on diversions, and the hospital failed to assist the patient, the liability would have fallen on them. This is as they could have acted unethically by not acting on an emergency yet they could have been able to do so. However, 100% liability could not be placed on the on-call physician. This is as he had assessed the patient and decided that the principle of no maleficence was supposed to come into play. As such there was the need to have the patient transferred to a better-placed institution for better treatment. Question 2 The main aim of a hospital is to save the lives of their patients. This is usually one of the guiding principles for people working in the field (Luce & White 2009). It could have therefore been logical for the ...
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