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Focused exam cough documentation

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6/4/2018 Focused Exam: Cough | Completed | Shadow Health Focused Exam: Cough Results | Turned In Advanced Health Assessment - Chamberlain, NR509-April-2018 Return to Assignment Your Results Overview Lab Pass Documentation / Electronic Health Record Transcript Subjective Data Collection Document: Vitals Document: Provider Notes Objective Data Collection Education & Empathy Documentation Document: Provider Notes Student Documentation Model Documentation Self-Reflection Subjective Daniel "Danny " Rivera, 8 year old male of Puerto Rican descent. CC" patience abuela brought him in because he has been feeling sick and coughing a lot and feel kind of tired." HPI: Cough onset 5 days ago, pt describe cough" gurgly and watery" . reports sputum color is clear. Reports coughing every few minutes and worse at night. Patient denies smoking but exposed to secondhand smoke in the house through father and grandfather. Reports does not know what makes his cough worse. Alleviating factors of the cough is some cough medicine in the morning. Reports having cough medicine everything for the past 5 days, describes it as purplish in color one spoon full and giving my mom. Has physical exerci ...
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