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Project Assignment

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De La Salle College of Saint Benilde Antipolo
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Professor’s Name
A1. Considering the information provided, answer the 7 basic project definition
questions (15 marks):
1. Why are we doing this?
The purpose of this project is promotion some of the new products.
2. What organizational-level goal(s) does this project support?
Promotion of the main residential product lines, the industry leading quality and service
the leading edge technology
3. How does this project fit with the other projects that are going on?
Project dependencies included
i. Submissions for space for the vendor’s exhibition
ii. Participants registration
iii. Special requirements such as WIFI access, audio/visual equipment, lighting
iv. Exhibitor materials can be shipped to the National Trade Centre
v. Exhibitors access to the Centre for exhibition
vi. All displays must be completely removed after exhibition
4. What is the expected benefit from this project?

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The expectations of this project was to yield many new orders during the event and
increase sales of our home improvement products by 20% during the first quarter of 2022
5. What are we going to do?
The scope is to have a very professional, highly visible display at the exhibition.
6. Who is affected by this and who must be involved?
Customers are affected since they get reduced waiting time.
Staff is increased hence there is reduced workload.
Organisation management is involvement in adding more staff.
7. How will we know when we are done and whether the project was successful?
Increased sales and order of the new products.
Improved customer satisfaction.
A2. Identify your project team members (2 points) and describe why you are including
each role/person as part of the project team (8 points). Aim for at least 7 team
members/stakeholders. (Ch 4&5)
Team Members (i.e. role
they have at Powerful
Solutions or within the
Describe why you are including them in the project

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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date A1. Considering the information provided, answer the 7 basic project definition questions (15 marks): 1. Why are we doing this? The purpose of this project is promotion some of the new products. 2. What organizational-level goal(s) does this project support? Promotion of the main residential product lines, the industry leading quality and service the leading edge technology 3. How does this project fit with the other projects that are going on? Project dependencies included i. Submissions for space for the vendor’s exhibition ii. Participants registration iii. Special requirements such as WIFI access, audio/visual equipment, lighting iv. Exhibitor materials can be shipped to the National Trade Centre v. Exhibitors access to the Centre for exhibition vi. All displays must be completely removed after exhibition 4. What is the expected benefit from this project? The expectations of this project was to yield many new orders during the event and increase sales of our home improvement products by 20% during the first quarter of 2022 5. What are we going to do? The scope is to have a very professional, highly visible display at the exhibition. 6. Who is affected by this and who must be involved? Customers are affected since they get reduced waiting time. Staff is increased hence there is reduced workload. Organisation management is involvement in adding more staff. 7. How will we know when we are done and whether the p ...
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Nice! Really impressed with the quality.
