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Chapter 7
Question 1
There are two steps that an organization should take in an effort to be able to achieve
100% security for their enterprise. The first step is with regard to listing all the potential security
threats and the second step is to obtain tools that will guard against this threats. Potential security
threats are simply loopholes that can be exploited by an intruder in an effort to be able to gain
access into an organization's information. Therefore, by guarding against all these potential
threats an organization ends up being able to achieve 100% security.
However, it is impossible for an organization to achieve 100% security since this will
require them to store the data away from any internet access, in a very remote place where
intruders wouldn't be able to locate it and under locks that do not have keys to it, an aspect of day
to day activities at an organization that is not feasible. This is so since data must be referred to
from time to time and therefore t can only be stored at a place where it can easily be retrieved.
For this reason, I feel that it is impossible for an organization to achieve 100% security simply
because it is not feasible to make their data inaccessible (Pearlson, et al., 2016).
Question 2
To begin with, the claim that Sony's employees, & various celebrities, were collateral
damage of the attack and that in reality this was meant to demoralize the employees at Sony and
reduce their productivity by instilling fear in them and by creating opportunities for Sony to be
sued, is in my opinion very true. This is so since employees, as well as celebrities who were
working with Sony, were bound to be unsettled by the mere fact that information that would
reveal their embarrassing past that had been stored by Sony would end up being made public.
This, in turn, would have resulted in emotional stress that would have affected their productivity.

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Running head: INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Name: Institution affiliation: Date: INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2 Chapter 7 Question 1 There are two steps that an organization should take in an effort to be able to achieve 100% security for their enterprise. The first step is with regard to listing all the potential security threats and the second step is to obtain tools that will guard against this threats. Potential security threats are simply loopholes that can be exploited by an intruder in an effort to be able to gain access into an organization's information. Therefore, by guarding against all these potential threats an organization ends up being able to achieve 100% security. However, it is impossible for an organization to achieve 100% security since this will require them to store the data away from any internet access, in a very remote place where intruders wouldn't be able to locate it and under locks that do not have keys to it, an aspect of day to day activities at an organization that is not feasible. This is so since data must be referred to from time to time and therefore t can only be stored at a place where it can easily be retrieved. For this reason, I feel that it is impossible for an organization to achieve 100% security simply because it is not feasible to make their data inaccessible (Pearlson, et al., 2016). Question 2 To begin with, the claim that Sony's employees, & various celebrities, were collateral damage of the attack and that in reality ...
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