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Prevention Health Education And Health Promotion.

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Prevention, Health Education, and Health Promotion
Student’s Name

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The art of preventing diseases, promoting human health as well as prolonging life
through efforts and informed choices of the society is what is referred to as public health. The
basis of public health entails analyzing the threats and the health of a given population. The term
health, in this case, takes in to account the mental, physical and social well-being kind of health.
Public health aims at improving life quality by prevention and treatment of all kinds of diseases.
This is achieved through surveillance of cases as well as health indicators. Some of the public
health initiatives that we are quite familiar with involve hand washing activities, condom
distribution in a bid to control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, suicide prevention etc.
making health care facilities easily accessible to patients is also quite important as it could save
lives too. Unfortunately, some of these, are not available to some of the developing countries as
they are still coming up.
Prevention, health promotion, and health education are three quite different but very
important terms in the public health sector. Prevention, in this case, involves disease prevention
which is mainly aimed at minimizing diseases’ burden as well as the associated risk factors.
There are two types of prevention which are;
Primary prevention. This refers to actions which are aimed at the avoidance of a disease
manifestation. Some of these activities are;
- Vaccination of both children and adults when necessary.
- Including diseases prevention programs e.g. access to services such as counseling.
- Oral and dental hygiene services and education.
- Food supplementation etc.

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RUNNING HEAD: PREVENTION. HEALTH EDUCATION AND HEALTH PROMOTION Prevention, Health Education, and Health Promotion Student’s Name Institution Date RUNNING HEAD: PREVENTION. HEALTH EDUCATION AND HEALTH PROMOTION The art of preventing diseases, promoting human health as well as prolonging life through efforts and informed choices of the society is what is referred to as public health. The basis of public health entails analyzing the threats and the health of a given population. The term health, in this case, takes in to account the mental, physical and social well-being kind of health. Public health aims at improving life quality by prevention and treatment of all kinds of diseases. This is achieved through surveillance of cases as well as health indicators. Some of the public health initiatives that we are quite familiar with involve hand washing activities, condom distribution in a bid to control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, suicide prevention etc. making health care facilities easily accessible to patients is also quite important as it could save lives too. Unfortunately, some of these, are not available to some of the developing countries as they are still coming up. Prevention, health promotion, and health education are three quite different but very important terms in the public health sector. Prevention, in this case, involves disease prevention which is mainly aimed at minimizing diseases’ burden as well as the associated risk factors. There a ...
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