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Growfood Presentation

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GROW food Presentation Student’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course Title: Date: Introduction  Foods are grouped into grow, go and glow foods. Grow foods are rich in proteins which make the body healthy and grow strong  Go foods have carbohydrates and fats which provide energy for play and work. Glow foods are rich in minerals and vitamins which maintains healthy body  A balanced diet consists of all the above food groups in their correct amounts  This presentation paper focus on GROW-food, a sustainable food-sourced business which creates new jobs, change what people eat and stabilizes food hub in the United States Models of Growing Food ➢ The models of growing food include; ➢ Community -supported agriculture ➢ Community growing based on voluntary help ➢ Business model aimed for therapeutic effect ➢ Service delivery model for particular groups of people ➢ Charitable projects through which people grow food on all sorts of spaces. Important Organizational Principles ➢ New approaches which integrate ecological and biological processes into food production. ➢ Productive use of the skills and knowledge of farmers. ➢ Minimization of the use of non-renewable inputs which poses risks to famers, the environment or consumers. ➢ The use of human capital in place of costly external inputs. ➢ Productive use of farmers’ collective capacities to solve agricultural problems. Underlying Systems in Growing Food  Syste ...
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