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Macro foundations in relation to brexit

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Macro foundations
Type of assignment
Pages / words
3 / 1500
Number of sources
Academic level
Paper format
Line spacing
Language style
UK English
The word document attach is to be read fully with the instructions there

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Surname 2
Details of coursework (Please read this fully)
You are required to write report independently on an assignment that is related to the materials
Aims and Objectives of the Assignment
To demonstrate an understanding of the relevant economic ideas or theories
To apply economic theory to real world situations
To write a structured, coherent and fluent report
Proposed Coursework:
The Chancellor of the Exchequer is about to formulate his new budget because of the effect of
Brexit. He has received the following letter from the Prime Minister and forecast from the
Treasury. Soon the Chancellor is expected to present his policy to the Prime Minister and your
task is to prepare the Chancellor for the meeting by providing him with the answers to each of
the points raised in the Prime Minister’s letter. You will probably find that you can best deal
with the problems by applying the techniques of analysis presented in the Units so far, that is by
dividing total demand into its components and calculating the relationship between each
component and total output.
A letter from the P.M. to the Chancellor of the Exchequer
The Chancellor of the Exchequer
The success of your forthcoming budget will be a crucial factor in overcoming the effect of
Do you expect next year’s demand to be so large that there will be a labour shortage or do you
expect output to be so small that there will be unemployment?
I see that the National Institute has predicted unemployment on the basis of unchanged
government policies. If this is the case, it is imperative that we adopt a policy to produce full
employment next year.
It seems to me that we have to choose between increasing government expenditure or reducing
taxations. We should choose the option which causes the smaller increase in the budget deficit.

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Surname 1 Topic: Macro foundations Instructions Type of assignment Coursework Subject Economics Pages / words 3 / 1500 Number of sources 4 Academic level Undergraduate Paper format MLA Line spacing Single Language style UK English Description The word document attach is to be read fully with the instructions there Surname 2 Details of coursework (Please read this fully) You are required to write report independently on an assignment that is related to the materials covered. Aims and Objectives of the Assignment To demonstrate an understanding of the relevant economic ideas or theories To apply economic theory to real world situations To write a structured, coherent and fluent report Proposed Coursework: The Chancellor of the Exchequer is about to formulate his new budget because of the effect of Brexit. He has received the following letter from the Prime Minister and forecast from the Treasury. Soon the Chancellor is expected to present his policy to the Prime Minister and your task is to prepare the Chancellor for the meeting by providing him with the answers to each of the points raised in the Prime Minister’s letter. You will probably find that you can best deal with the problems by applying the techniques of analysis presented in the Units so far, that is by dividing total demand into its components and calculating the relationship between each component and total output. A letter from the P.M. to the Chancellor of the Exchequer The Chancellor of the Exchequer The ...
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