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The Nicholas Brothers

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The Nicholas Brothers
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The Nicholas Brothers
Yes, I did know about them. The Nicholas Brothers comprised of a team of dancing
brothers, Harold and Fayard. These tap-dancing brothers broke the color obstacle and became
one of the greatest and most popular tap dancers in history. Their unique dancing skills dubbed
the ‘flash dancing’ made the Nicholas Brothers famous in the segregated communities in the
South and the North. I knew about the contributions of the Nicholas Brothers by watching their
tap dances and classical songs online and reading about them in books (Aloff, 2000).
Contributions of the Nicholas Brothers to the Society
Indeed, the Nicholas Brothers broke the racial stereotypes and barriers in the mid-20th
century. Furthermore, they defined and shaped the segment of jazz music. The Nicholas Brothers
contributed positively to the development of Jazz music by introducing unique dances and
classical lines that are still referenced today by the contemporary artists from all genres. The
Nicholas Brothers, in conjunction with other classical musicians and performers, played an
integral role in introducing jazz music in the American cultural mainstream. Moreover, these two
performers, through their performances, promoted the aspects of integrating culture into music
(Aloff, 2000).
Equality in the Entertainment Industry
There are no improvements towards equality in the entertainment industry in the United
States today. Inequality and discrimination are among the social issues that affect the American
society today. There are gender and racial inequality in the industry in the sense that people of
color, as well as women, are underrepresented in the entertainment industry segments such as
movies and cinema, music, television, radio, publishing, and internet advertising. For instance, a

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Running Head: THE NICHOLAS BROTHERS The Nicholas Brothers Name Instructor Institutional Affiliation Date 1 2 THE NICHOLAS BROTHERS The Nicholas Brothers Yes, I did know about them. The Nicholas Brothers comprised of a team of dancing brothers, Harold and Fayard. These tap-dancing brothers broke the color obstacle and became one of the greatest and most popular tap dancers in history. Their unique dancing skills dubbed the ‘flash dancing’ made the Nicholas Brothers famous in the segregated communities in the South and the North. I knew about the contributions of the Nicholas Brothers by watching their tap dances and classical songs online and reading about them in books (Aloff, 2000). Contributions of the Nicholas Brothers to the Society Indeed, the Nicholas Brothers broke the racial stereotypes and barriers in the mid-20th century. Furthermore, they defined and shaped the segment of jazz music. The Nicholas Brothers contributed positively to the development of Jazz music by introducing unique dances and classical lines that are still referenced today by the contemporary artists from all genres. The Nicholas Brothers, in conjunction with other classical musicians and perfo ...
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