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Technology industry apple vs samsung

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Technology Industry (Apple vs Samsung)

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Technology Industry (Apple vs Samsung)
Technology industry refers to a group of industries and service providers that
development, distribution and research of technological goods and services. The tech industry is
made up of business enterprises that mainly deals with manufacturing and distribution of
electronics, creating software, and production of products and services that relates to information
technology (Frankenfield, 2019). This industry offers myriads of services and products meant for
both consumers and even other businesses. Consumers goods and services includes home
appliances, personal computers, televisions, computer software, and smartphones among many
other products. These technological products can also be utilized by other business entities as
they require personal computers for their stuff and computer software to run their operations.
These services and products continue to get improved as new features are added to them with
time to make the easy to use and more profitable to the user (Frankenfield, 2019).
The tech industry is made up of several companies devoted to manufacturing of
technological products and services. Some of these companies have been in existences for
decades while others have been in the industry for a short time. It is even more inspiring to
understand that more brands and companies are coming up with new products and technologies.
For example, every movie that has been created in a future perspective tries to create a picture of
the advanced tech industry in terms of products and services that we expect in a couple of years
to come. It is fascinating that the technology that we use today was a dream and maybe just an
idea a few years ago. The future of the tech industry is characterized by production of super cars,
supercomputers, robots and so on with the aim of manipulating events and making operations
easier (Prosple, 2020).

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TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY (APPLE VS SAMSUNG) Technology Industry (Apple vs Samsung) Name Institution Date 1 TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY (APPLE VS SAMSUNG) Technology Industry (Apple vs Samsung) Introduction Technology industry refers to a group of industries and service providers that development, distribution and research of technological goods and services. The tech industry is made up of business enterprises that mainly deals with manufacturing and distribution of electronics, creating software, and production of products and services that relates to information technology (Frankenfield, 2019). This industry offers myriads of services and products meant for both consumers and even other businesses. Consumers goods and services includes home appliances, personal computers, televisions, computer software, and smartphones among many other products. These technological products can also be utilized by other business entities as they require personal computers for their stuff and computer software to run their operations. These services and products continue to get improved as new features are added to them with time to make the easy to use and more profitable to the user (Frankenfield, 2019). The tech industry is made up of several companies devoted to manufacturing of technological products and services. Some of these companies have been in existences for decades while others have been in the industry for a short time. It is even more inspiring to understand that more brands and compa ...
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