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Special People And Those With Disabilities.fin

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Anthem Institute Jersey City
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Special people discussion questions
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Special people discussion questions
1. Discuss historical challenges faced by people with disabilities. Describe key events in the
disability rights movement, including important federal legislation. What areas still need
Since mid-1900, those with disabilities have fought for recognition of disability as an
identity that influences a person's experiences and not a defining feature of an individual. Over
centuries, people with disabilities have battled harmful stereotypes, irrational fears, and biased
assumptions. The stigmatization that they face has led to their generation's economic and social
marginalization (Sabatello et al.,2020). People with disabilities were regarded as inadequate,
tragic, wretched creatures who were unfit and unable to contribute to society, except as ridiculed
objects of entertainment in circuses and exhibitions in the 1800s. Many people were forced to
undergo sterilization because they were thought to be aberrant and feeble-minded. Disabled
people were also pushed into institutions and asylums, where many of them lived their whole
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has developed to advocate for
meeting the unique needs of eligible K-12 students in public schools. Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act prohibits disability discrimination by removing barriers to their learning.
Americans with Disability Act prohibits disability discrimination at school, places of
employment, and by anyone offering goods and services. People with disabilities need to be
employed. Only one in five people with disabilities are employed. People with disabilities still
encounter architectural, attitudinal, and technological barriers when exercising their right to vote.
Representation of people with disabilities needs to be included in political positions. Promote

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1 Special people discussion questions Name of student Institutional affiliation Date of submission 2 Special people discussion questions 1. Discuss historical challenges faced by people with disabilities. Describe key events in the disability rights movement, including important federal legislation. What areas still need improvement? Since mid-1900, those with disabilities have fought for recognition of disability as an identity that influences a person's experiences and not a defining feature of an individual. Over centuries, people with disabilities have battled harmful stereotypes, irrational fears, and biased assumptions. The stigmatization that they face has led to their generation's economic and social marginalization (Sabatello et al.,2020). People with disabilities were regarded as inadequate, tragic, wretched creatures who were unfit and unable to contribute to society, except as ridiculed objects of entertainment in circuses and exhibitions in the 1800s. Many people were forced to undergo sterilization because they were thought to be aberrant and feeble-minded. Disabled people were also pushed into institutions and asylums, where many of them lived their whole lives. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has developed to advocate for meeting the unique needs of eligible K-12 students in public schools. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits disability discrimination by removing barriers to their learning. Americans with Disability Act prohib ...
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