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Origin Of Oceans

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Environmental Science
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What do we know about the origin of the earth’s oceans?’
How the world came to be is always a mystery. Nobody knows what happened. However,
there are logical explanations that have been made about the earth and how it can support life.
The thing that has had a problem in trying to explain their origin is the water. There have been
several theories that many scientists and researchers have done and try to explain but still leave
people with many questions. The article talks about how ocean water originated and came to
cover almost 70% of the world population. The article presents several reasoning of explaining
of what might have happened that triggered the earth to produce the ocean water. In general, the
article tries to relate to two sources for where the Ocean water came from, and that is the comets
and during the formation of the earth.
The first point that the article points out is that ocean water might have been formed by
the composition of the ocean itself. According to the writer, Tobias, he argues that when the
earth formed over the estimated time of 4.6 billion years ago, the earth might have come with
water. It is possible that if all comet contains the same type of water ice, then comets might not
have delivered all the earth’ water as many people believe and reason. The reason for the writer
to say this is because he believes that it is not logical due to the number of atoms of deuterium
found in the ice from comets is twice as the atoms of the hydrogens that are found in the sea

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The other reasoning of why comets and meteorites did not produce all the water found
on earth is because if it were so, then the earth would not support life. The reason is that the earth
would have excess xenon than required. The estimated number is ten times than the normal
amount of xenon that is currently on earth. Therefore, apart from water coming from comets and
meteorites as studies show in evidence, the writer says that the earth itself might have contained
The other point that the article talks about is the point of water being formed from the
comets and the water that might have been trapped in the rocky part of the earth. The points is a
continuation of elaboration of reasoning of why the writer believes water of the ocean came from
comets as well as the earth when it was being formed. The why for this is because it solves the
problem of comets producing water only because it would mean a world full of xenon gas and it
is impossible. The theory also solves the problem of deuterium. The theory of only comets and
meteorites as the donors of the ocean water was not logical because the deuterium in the ocean
would be more than it is right now.
However, the writer points out that the earth would form water during its formation by
the solid material out near the earth's present orbit if it managed to pick up some local water
from the solar nebula before they accreted to form the earth. Otherwise, there would no water
that would have been trapped during the formation of the earth. The balance of deuterium would
be achieved by the water vapor and hydrogen gas which would also result in the comets having
just the right amount of deuterium.
The final point of the article is to emphasize and drive home the point of the earth itself
helping in the formation of the ocean water. It is another study by different researchers to show
and try to back up the information that Tobias try to point out. According to this research, done

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Surname 1 Name of student Name of tutor Course Date ‘What do we know about the origin of the earth’s oceans?’ How the world came to be is always a mystery. Nobody knows what happened. However, there are logical explanations that have been made about the earth and how it can support life. The thing that has had a problem in trying to explain their origin is the water. There have been several theories that many scientists and researchers have done and try to explain but still leave people with many questions. The article talks about how ocean water originated and came to cover almost 70% of the world population. The article presents several reasoning of explaining of what might have happened that triggered the earth to produce the ocean water. In general, the article tries to relate to two sources for where the Ocean water came from, and that is the comets and during the formation of the earth. The first point that the article points out is that ocean water might have been formed by the composition of the ocean itself. According to the writer, Tobias, he argues that when the earth formed over the estimated time of 4.6 billion years ago, the earth might have come with water. It is possible that if all comet contains the same type of water ice, then comets might not have delivered all the earth’ water as many people believe and reason. The reason for the writer to say this is because he believes that it is not logical due to the number of atoms of deuterium found in the ...
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