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Double Blind

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A double blind experiment is a clinical trial whereby neither the participants nor the researcher
knows the identity of those receiving a test treatment until the completion of the study. It
therefore eliminates any chances of subjective bias from the test results.
A double blind control experiment therefore is a clinical trial where there is an added group of
subjects that receives a sham or fake treatment designed to have no real effects; in this case the
subjects do not know whether they are being subjected to the real treatment or not.
These experiments can be used to determine what beverages taste better or testing for specific
medication where a number of the participants are given the pill while the rest is given one that
resembles that pill.
The double blind control experiment is most effectively used for research where the researcher
does not know whether the subject falls in the experimental group or the control group. All the
subjects will be treated equally as they are free from the influence of the researcher’s preference
or expectation.

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1 STUDENT: PROFESSOR: COURSE: DATE: 2 A double blind experiment is a clinical trial whereby neither the participants nor the researcher knows the identity of those receiving a test treatment until the completion of the study. It therefore eliminates any chances of subjective bias from the test results. A double blind control experiment therefore is a clinical trial where there is an added group of subjects that receives a sham or fake treatment designed to have no real effects; in this case the subjects do not know whether they are being subjected to the real treatment or not. These experiments can be used to determine what beverages taste better or testing for specific medication where a number of the participants are given the pill while the rest is given one that resembles that pill. The double blind control experiment is most effectively used for research where the researcher doe ...
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