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Homeland Security And Privacy Rights

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Literature review of A New Balance: National Security and Privacy in Post 9-11 World
The rationale on whether citizens should be concerned about the methods used in collecting
intelligence and how effective they are in curbing terrorism
The question as to whether Homeland Security and other security departments use the
right channel in gathering information and how effective these methods are; is a regular grapple
in the minds of U.S. citizens. It has been one of the hottest debates in different states given the
fact that one’s constitutional rights are being violated in the process of information gathering.
Additionally, security issues are on the rise as a result of the increase in terrorist attacks across
the country. One can easily get confused on whether to protect their privacy or to put national
security as their main priority. To clear up this confusion and come up with a vivid conclusion on
the issue of intelligence gathering with the motive of identifying terrorists and its impact on
one’s privacy has enshrined in the constitution, it is prudent to look into the situation critically to
come up with a sweeping conclusion.
Due to globalization and revolution in information, terrorism in the 21st century has
completely changed and has plateaued to a mega-terrorism. Terrorists have harmonized their
activities with the new discoveries in science and technology, precisely internet and
communication technologies. Due to this massive advancement in terrorism, a small number of

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terrorists can kill a large number of people and damage a lot of property in the process. This is a
clear indication that these terrorists have a potential to create havoc of a larger magnitude than
the 9/11. According to the research that was done by Center for American Progress in 2005, the
impact of mega-terrorism in a crowded area would be disastrous; 500,000 people would die, and
hundreds of thousands more would get injuries. Additionally, such an attack would grossly affect
the world economy and push tens of millions of people into direct poverty. This would create a
second death toll in the world and America, and the rest of the world would change forever.
However, such threats can easily be controlled by intercepting terrorist communications and
identifying terrorist patterns. NSA surveillance has massively prevented terrorist attacks from
happening and has reduced the magnitude of attacks that are successful.
Conversely, access to one’s private information such as financial transaction infringes
their personal liberties. It is true that measures must be taken to prevent terrorism and espionage
but the introduction of FISA and its subsequent amendments has substantial infringement on
civil liberties enshrined in the United States Constitution. The act further contravenes the law to
the association by providing detention based on association and states that one is considered
guilty by his known associates. FISA heavily discriminates citizens and foreigners who profess
Islam and many times citizens from Middle Eastern descent have complained about unfair
treatment by authorities simply because of their Arabic looks. Hence, traveling from the Middle
East to the US has become more difficult because of the rules proposed by FISA and the
tribulations that these Arabs face in trying to enter the US.
After taking into consideration the pros and cons of public surveillance, it is quite clear
that the security of American citizens is more important than their private lives. The introduction
of FISA has made the country safer and better. There is no need for evaluating the entire

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Insert surname1 Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Name Date Literature review of A New Balance: National Security and Privacy in Post 9-11 World The rationale on whether citizens should be concerned about the methods used in collecting intelligence and how effective they are in curbing terrorism The question as to whether Homeland Security and other security departments use the right channel in gathering information and how effective these methods are; is a regular grapple in the minds of U.S. citizens. It has been one of the hottest debates in different states given the fact that one’s constitutional rights are being violated in the process of information gathering. Additionally, security issues are on the rise as a result of the increase in terrorist attacks across the country. One can easily get confused on whether to protect their privacy or to put national security as their main priority. To clear up this confusion and come up with a vivid conclusion on the issue of intelligence gathering with the motive of identifying terrorists and its impact on one’s privacy has enshrined in the constitution, it is prudent to look into the situation critically to come up with a sweeping conclusion. Due to globalization and revolution in information, terrorism in the 21st century has completely changed and has plateaued to a mega-terrorism. Terrorists have harmonized their activities with the new discoveries in science and technology, precisely internet and communication ...
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