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Examining The Digital World

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Rasmussen University
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Examining the Digital World Through the Use of Sociological Theory Student’s Name University Affiliation Course Code Professor’s Name Date Submitted Conflict Theory.  It is a theory that explains how society is in a state of perpetual stress and conflicts due to the competition for the available resource and how they lead to social changes.  It was developed by Karl Max.  According to the theory, those with power and wealth hold on to suppress the powerless and poor since it focuses on maintaining social order by power and dominance rather than conformity and consensus.  It focuses on inequality of rewards and power, social changes and competition. Conflict Theory in Digital World  According to the conflict theory, the evolving economies and new technologies are causing societal inequalities in the current world.  The developed countries are initiated irregular distribution of orders and the creation of corporations to exercise power on the third-world countries and exploit labor in the underlying communities.  Although the widespread opinion states that technology was created to make life easier for all, the modern capitalization system keeps a gap between the lower and upper classes, causing societal inequality.  Furthermore, mass and social media are controlled by corporations that overpower the less fortunate to satisfy their agendas. Symbolic Interaction Theory  Symbolic interaction is a theory that focuses on the rela ...
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