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Post Disaster Assistance Administration

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Post-disaster assistance administration
a. Mass Care
This type of assistance entails provision of shelter to people who have faced a disaster,
giving food to them through food operations and providing emergency first aid to the injured.
More so, it involves collecting as well as providing information to family members about the
victims (United States, 45).
b. Emergency Assistance
This assistance, on the other hand, is needed by victims, their families, as well as the
community where they live as to make sure urgent needs that cannot be provided by mass care
services are addressed locally. Such services include evacuations supports such as registration
and keeping track of evacuees as well as reunification of families. In addition, it involves
coordination of goods which have been donated by organizations (United States, 45).
c. Housing
As the name suggests, this assistance involves provision of housing options which
include rental assistance, semi-permanent and permanent construction as well as access to other

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sources of housing assistance. The body responsible for providing this kind of assistance to
victims is the assistance is the National Disaster Housing Strategy (United States, 46).
d. Human Services
Lastly, human services entail the general services provided to victims to recover from a
disaster. They include services which help them to recover from losses that are not related to a
house as well as programs which aim at replacing personal property which has been destroyed by
a disaster (United States, 46).

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Surname Name: Institution: Professor: Date: Post-disaster assistance administration a. Mass Care This type of assistance entails provision of shelter to people who have faced a disaster, giving food to them through food operations and providing emergency first aid to the injured. More so, it involves collecting as well as providing information to family members about the victims (United States, 45). b. Emergency Assistance This assistance, on the other hand, is needed by victims, their families, as well as the community where they live as to make sure urgent needs that cannot be provided by mass care services are addressed locally. Such services include evacuations supports such as registration and keeping track of evacuees as well as reunification of families. In addition, it involves coordination of goods which have been donated by organizations (United States, 45). c. Housing As the n ...
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