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Eco 201 Project.edited

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Micro Economics
Southern New Hampshire University
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ECO 201 Project Template
This memorandum report uses a set of simulation games to analyze and discuss essential microeconomic principles. These games show how
microeconomic principles can be applied in real-world settings to help us make better business decisions. I've compiled a summary of the simulations
I ran and their outcomes for your review and reference, including the important insights and their significance. It is broken into the sections below:

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Comparative Advantage
(Figure 1.1)

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ECO 201 Project Template Introduction This memorandum report uses a set of simulation games to analyze and discuss essential microeconomic principles. These games show how microeconomic principles can be applied in real-world settings to help us make better business decisions. I've compiled a summary of the simulations I ran and their outcomes for your review and reference, including the important insights and their significance. It is broken into the sections below: Comparative Advantage (Figure 1.1) (Figure 1.2) The production potential frontier is a fantastic model to help you make key business decisions about specialization and commerce. The model enables firms to visualize the numerous combinations that can be made within particular parameters and technological constraints. Using the PPF might assist you to figure out how much time and resources you'll have to give up to create more of a different product. We must give up certain resources used to make butter to generate more guns in the graph above. Focuses B, D, and C help us decide the most proficient asset designation for shared advantage in assembling the two weapons and margarine. The PPF assists us with seeing how to use our assets to augment our productivity and extreme benefit, regardless of whether it's weapons and margarine as found in the chart or hamburgers and French fries. A company's choice to participate in trade is exceptionally affected by similar benefits. "The capacity to deliver a decent a ...
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