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Learning Reflection

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Social Science
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So far the course has been very interesting, I have likes and enjoyed every bit of our course and
class discussion. Grantham University has been more than a University but a home away from
home. I have learnt a lot in the course and this has changed my perception not only about myself
but also the world around me and the people I associate with. The course has made realize that the
world is diverse and for it to be complete, there is a need for a mutual interaction at both individual
and local level and in the international level. Within the world around us, there must exist
interpersonal relationship that in essence creates a world of beneficial interactions. The course has
enabled me gain an insight to the new meaning of the world. It has improved my understanding of
how different economic agents interacts to create a better environment for all. The course has made
me learn that there are different political systems agents that interacts to create a better world. It
has made me realize that as an individual, I have a responsibility to play in the world for it to
become much better. We have been granted the mandate by the constitution to make a change and
contribute to the development of the world around us.
In the course, we learnt that what creates prosperity and development is healthy relationships,
being able to mutually interact both at group and personal level is an important aspect of creating
better relationships. In this case people are compelled to interact, develop healthy relationships
and above all being able to understand each other through mutual communication. From the course
and class discussion, I came to realize that human beings are social creatures and they always crave
relationships as well as positive interactions. The better an positive the relationships we create the
better and happier we become and develop more productive ideas and agendas within these
relationships. Having good and sustainable relationships are more beneficial to us than ever.
Through these relationships, we tend to build stronger and better world where every individual is
able to leave with peace and harmony with his or her neighbors.
The course also enabled me to learn about myself especially who I am and how I am supposed to
behave within the environment. As an individual, I have the sole agenda to make the world a better
place. I got to learn that people are stronger together and having a common agenda of being
together through creating a lasting and healthy relationships is one better way of being together. I
learnt that as an individual, I can change the world through creating a new perception about the
world and how we are supposed to interact with the world. As an individual I learn that being able
to create change start by first creating a self-change about your perception then extending that
perception to others. This helps in creating a new way of viewing and doing things. We have the
responsibility to stay together as one common beings since we share similar characteristics. What
makes the world better originates from an individual then learnt by other individuals and of course
implemented by groups and individuals to become a rule that should be followed. The rule of law
therefore is the corner stone of a better world. People are compelled to follow the rule of law and
make it their fundamental responsibility to follow the rule of law.
My responsibility to others is diverse. From the course, I learnt that every individual has a
responsibility for self-respect and the respect for individuals. I have a responsibility to ensure that
we stay in peace. I have a responsibility to show respect for the other people especially their
property and rights. We are compelled by the law to ensure peace, security and love for our
neighbors. In this case, we must ensure that as individuals we carry out our responsibility not only

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So far the course has been very interesting, I have likes and enjoyed every bit of our course and class discussion. Grantham University has been more than a University but a home away from home. I have learnt a lot in the course and this has changed my perception not only about myself but also the world around me and the people I associate with. The course has made realize that the world is diverse and for it to be complete, there is a need for a mutual interaction at both individual and local level and in the international level. Within the world around us, there must exist interpersonal rela ...
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