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Hawaiians should protest against the corporate cultural prostitution

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Hawaiians should protest against the corporate cultural prostitution they endure because
they would redeem their traditional elements and use them to financially benefit the natives.
Hawaii is a worldwide known place that a lot of Americans and the rest of the world look forward
to visiting at least once in their lifetimes. It is however, to some a hiding place or where one goes
to forget about life’s troubles and have a peace of mind. But who has stopped to think about the
effect and the psychological torture that its natives go through? It is clear now that the corporate
tourism in Hawaii has to come to an end if not, at least reduce significantly over time before all is
lost. Trask, a writer of “lovely Hula Hands” laments about her homeland and how tourism is
negatively affecting the natives of her homeland.
Multinational corporations have established there empires taking up huge junks of land,
hidden acts and activities of capitalism are depicted on a daily basis in Hawaii, and still
advertisements are displayed on televisions and on radios encouraging tours to Hawaii.
Hollywood films have been majorly contributing to the increased number of tourists in Hawaii as
they give it a picture of a perfect peaceful place as if that is entirely true.
It is at this point that one would, to a large extent, encourage protest by the Hawaiians
against the corporate prostitution on their cultural values so as to redeem themselves and

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financially benefit the natives. There is a clear need for them to take their homeland and make it
their own, make it peaceful and perfect as the world sees it to be.
Commercialism changing the meaning of the word “aloha” to some catch phrase used any
how should be a big eye opener that the culture of Hawaii is at stake. Most people who visit
Hawaii may use the word without a deeper understanding of its meaning but since it is said in the
movies and American films then why not use it? Trask condemns such acts and hence explains
why she is not for the idea of tourist in her homeland.
It is saddening that most Hawaiians in Hawaii are unemployed, or join the military not by
choice and even leave their own homeland in search for better living standards elsewhere. While
all these is going on there are tourist coming to Hawaii, corporations pitching permanent “tents”
on the larger and better parts of the place leaving the natives out to suffer in their own land. Need
l say that it is such inhuman acts that call for a great need for protest to protect Hawaii and
redeem its cultural and traditional elements that can the beneficial to its natives.
Culturally, Hawaii is losing the battle against how their women are being portrayed. The
Hula Dancers were seen to be erotic, naturally beautiful and sacred. But this is not the case with
today’s hula dancers, who appear with clown like make-up and skirts that are not hula skirts. This
degrades the Hula dancers together with their culture. It also exploits the culture for money to
attract more tourists through their commercials.
Therefore, as we all dream and wish to visit Hawaii, consider the state in which you are
going to leave the Hawaiian natives or better still take Trask’s humble request of not actually
going to her homeland. “Tourists flock to my Native land for escape, but they are escaping into a
state of mind while participating in the destruction of a host people in a Native place” she says.

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Name Tutor Institution Course Hawaiians should protest against the corporate cultural prostitution they endure because they would redeem their traditional elements and use them to financially benefit the natives. Hawaii is a worldwide known place that a lot of Americans and the rest of the world look forward to visiting at least once in their lifetimes. It is however, to some a hiding place or where one goes to forget about life's troubles and have a peace of mind. But who has stopped to think about the effect and the psychological torture that its natives go through? It is clear now that the corporate tourism in Hawaii has to come to an end if not, at least reduce significantly over time before all is lost. Trask, a writer of "lovely Hula Hands" laments about her homeland and how tourism is negatively affecting the natives of her homeland. Multinational corporations have established there empires taking up huge junks of land, hidden acts and activities of capitalism are depicted on a daily basis in Hawaii, and still advertisements are displayed on televisions and on radios encouraging tours to Hawaii. Hollywood films have been majorly contributing to the increased number of tourists in Hawaii as they give it a picture of a perfect peaceful place as if that is entirely true. It is at this point that one would, to a large extent, encourage protest by the Hawaiians against the corporate prostitution on their cultural values so as to redeem themselves and financially benefit t ...
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