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Individual States Abortions Restrictions

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Individual States Abortions Restrictions
Individual States Abortions Restrictions
The United States of America regards the issue of abortion as legal. However, this is
according to the federal government of the United States. However, the individual states that
comprise the US have legal permission to set laws against abortion, or regulating the extent of
the exercise within their jurisdictions. As such, individual states can set up trigger law in order to
limit the use of abortion by women in getting rid of unwanted pregnancies within the society.
These trigger laws would render abortion within these states illegal for a given period, especially
for the first and second trimesters. Currently, six states within the United States have trigger laws
to clip abortion within their borders whilst three others are intending on criminalizing abortion.
This freedom of choice to either criminalize or legalize abortion lies in the state factors of each
individual state in the united state without prior influence from the federal government, and the
trigger laws passed is equally strong and operational across the state (Guido, 2010).

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The law that permits individual states in the United States to set their own personal
restrictions to abortions that are reasonable, as well as set restriction waiting periods for abortion
is very good. This is because each state in the United States has different cultural values as well
as societal norms and practices. As such, there are states, which have a high rate of unwanted
pregnancies due to the high rate of immorality in their societies, while there are other states that
have minimal rates of early pregnancies. This therefore requires each state to regulate its own
citizens and control the number of abortions that take place within their jurisdictions (Lee, 2003).
State factors such as the state governments, the health divisions of the country, as well as
other concerned stakeholders can contribute to the formulation of these trigger laws to gag or
restrict abortion within their states. All the concerned parties, inclusive of the parents,
representatives, teachers, women bodies, as well as other religious and society leaders take part
in formulation of these trigger laws in order to contain the rates of abortion within their
jurisdictions. Furthermore, the health experts within the states also suggest different aspects
pertaining the formulation of these policies in order to ensure safeguarding of lives both for the
mother and the unborn child. In other cases, religious leader who uphold morality and the gift of
life also make significant contributions to the formulation of these policies in order to safeguard
lives and maintain the sanctity of life within their states (Nation Unies & Division de la
Population, 2001).
These trigger laws are only restrictive for a given period, such as when the rates of
abortions are on the rise. However, some clients or women dissatisfied with these stringent laws
to abortion within their home states move of migrate to other states in order to do abortions,
especially in states, which permit abortions. However, within some states that have restrictive
trigger laws for abortions, they also have reasonable provisions whereby abortion is permissible,
especially in cases where the lives of both the mother and the child are in danger. However, the

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Individual States Abortions Restrictions Name Instructor Date Individual States Abortions Restrictions The United States of America regards the issue of abortion as legal. However, this is according to the federal government of the United States. However, the individual states that comprise the US have legal permission to set laws against abortion, or regulating the extent of the exercise within their jurisdictions. As such, individual states can set up trigger law in order to limit the use of abortion by women in getting rid of unwanted pregnancies within the society. These trigger laws would render abortion within these states illegal for a given period, especially for the first and second trimesters. Currently, six states within the United States have trigger laws to clip abortion within their borders whilst three others are intending on criminalizing abortion. Thi ...
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