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The Role of Innovation in Sustainability

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The Role Of Innovaon In Sustainability 1
The Role of Innovation in Sustainability
Innovation is simply to renew, change or create products that are more effective, processes, or
the way of conducting things. The meaning varies different weight across different applications.
In the business, innovation refers to the implementation of new notions, creating of innovative
products and services, or a significant improvement in the existent offerings. Innovations help
adapt a business to growing trends, stay ahead of competition and catalyze growth and success.
an innovation is not necessarily an invention. Sustainability is the maintenance of social,
economic and environmental requirements for present and future generations.
Innovation process
Analyze the market. Research the requirements of the end user and the competitors.
Develop response plan to the need.
Implement the plan.
There are two types of innovations. The first type is evolutionary innovation. Also referred to as
dynamic innovation, this type is accorded by advances in technology and processes. This is
mainly brought about by existing companies with a fixed knowledge platform.
The second type is a revolutionary innovation. These are akin to the invention. They are abrupt
and introduce completely new ideas and products into the environment. They are brought about
by new entrants with a diversified knowledge platform. The role of innovation takes three major
Energy and Environment

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The Role Of Innovaon In Sustainability 2
The last years have seen an increased effort to source for renewable sources of energy. With the
world deposits of renewable deposits on an alarming low, governments, private organizations
and individuals have stepped up to offer innovative alternatives. The key similarity across the
board is the innovation of energy sources that focus more in sustainability. The leaning towards
sustainable energy sources has been fuelled by strict regulation on the use and sourcing on the
remaining non-renewable energy sources, going hand in hand with large-scale efforts to educate
the public, especially consumers on the need for sustainable business practices. This has already
started to change the business landscape. Competition has shifted from merely more sales,
introduction of sustainable processes, products, technologies and business models. By enforcing
sustainability as a business goal, many companies have managed to get ahead of competitors.
The more eco-efficient companies have indicated massive growth in the money markets and
annual sales. The primary reason is that everyone wants to be associated with companies that
have positive or zero impact on the environment. The most effective way is through utilizing
environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources and processes. Some of the companies,
therefore, have embraced the new call for sustainable energy sources as a business opportunity,
either directly (through providing energy saving and environmentally friendly products), or
indirectly (with environmentally friendly business processes and models. Research has shown
that 73% of consumers prefer to be associated with companies that have a positive environmental
record of accomplishment.
Economic Sustainability
Innovation and invention of new technology provides a platform to counterweight the more
detrimental results of conducting business. There is widespread research on the relationship
between sustainable innovation and economic growth. The creation and dissemination of new

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Title: Name: Tutor: Date: The Role of Innovation in Sustainability Innovation is simply to renew, change or create products that are more effective, processes, or the way of conducting things. The meaning varies different weight across different applications. In the business, innovation refers to the implementation of new notions, creating of innovative products and services, or a significant improvement in the existent offerings. Innovations help adapt a business to growing trends, stay ahead of competition and catalyze growth and success. an innovation is not necessarily an invention. Sustainability is the maintenance of social, economic and environmental requirements for present and future generations. Innovation process Analyze the market. Research the requirements of the end user and the competitors. Develop response plan to the need. Implement the plan. There are two types of innovations. The first type is evolutionary innovation. Also referred to as dynamic innovation, this type is accorded by advances in technology and processes. This is mainly brought about by existing companies with a fixed knowledge platform. The second type is a revolutionary innovation. These are aki ...
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