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Essaychanges 26 Oct1

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2. W.E.B. Dubois and Booker T. Washington offered two very different approaches to
combating the beginnings of Jim Crow rule in the South. How did the Jim Crow system
develop and what was it like? How did it affect American society and Americans as a whole?
How did Dubois and Washington understand white supremacy? What solutions did they
offer? What were the benefits and challenges of each stance? Why were both options so
attractive to large numbers of people? Which do you agree with more?
The Jim Crow Laws are very important in the history of the United States of the America,
and these laws have designed and considered for creating the segregation white and black people.
These are the laws that have increased the racial discrimination and other issues between the white
Americans and black Africans in the history of the United States of America. During the 1800s it
was very common thinking, and ideas that the black people are only here for doing the slave work
and white people have superiority on them due to their color and race.
W.E.B. Dubois and Booker T. Washington have presented different view like the Dubois
works for increasing the black empowerment and Washington has presented the gradualist political
strategy as a solution for Jim Crow laws. These are the approaches that can be used to overcome
the challenges and other discriminatory practices of the society. They have presented their views
and concept by understanding the working structure and laws of the White Supremacy (Press,
1863). These were the common thinking, and common experiences that were faced by the black
people in history and Jim Crow laws has strengthened the discriminatory forces and the difference
between the white and black people in the society. These laws emerged in the 1800s and in the

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early 1900s. There were different legal, social and official restrictions that were put on the black
people because they were treated as the second race of the United States of America.
“I agree with the solution of Booker T. Washington because it can bring the black people into
empowerment and they can work for their rights. This is because it is the politics that were mainly
culpable for the treatment of the black race as inferior and only through dealing with these politics
will the solution to this problem be found.”
It was the official system and procedure that was introduced for separating the black people
from white people. It was included in the State constitution and put a restriction on common civil
rights, social rights and political representation of the black people. This law has badly affected
the lives of black people (African-American) and of the white people as well. the effect of Jim
crow laws can be directly studied on the lives of black people because they have lost all of their
rights on an economic level and on the social level and they only have to spend their lives like the
slaves that have no rights to live. For example, the black people could not commute with the whites
as they were thought to be carriers of disease and this was one of the justifications for the
After the implication of Jim Crow laws at the official level in the United States of America,
the lives of black people were deteriorated, and they were living their lives as the slaves. The black
children were not allowed to get an education with the white children, and they were not even
allowed to work with white people. On the basis of these laws, the black people were living like
the slaves. The impact of Jim Crow laws was not limited to the restriction of black people from
different social, economical and political activities but they war facing direct torture and other
negative practices at different places.

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Essay 2. W.E.B. Dubois and Booker T. Washington offered two very different approaches to combating the beginnings of Jim Crow rule in the South. How did the Jim Crow system develop and what was it like? How did it affect American society and Americans as a whole? How did Dubois and Washington understand white supremacy? What solutions did they offer? What were the benefits and challenges of each stance? Why were both options so attractive to large numbers of people? Which do you agree with more? The Jim Crow Laws are very important in the history of the United States of the America, and these laws have designed and considered for creating the segregation white and black people. These are the laws that have increased the racial discrimination and other issues between the white Americans and black Africans in the history of the United States of America. During the 1800s it was very common thinking, and ideas that the black people are only here for doing the slave work and white people have superiority on them due to their color and race. W.E.B. Dubois and Booker T. Washington have presented different view like the Dubois works for increasing the black empowerment and Washington has presented the gradualist political strategy as a solution for Jim Crow laws. These are the approaches that can be used to overcome the challenges and other discriminatory practices of the society. They have presented their views and concept by understanding the working structure and laws of the Whit ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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