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Internet Applications

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Internet Applications
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Internet Applications
With the advancements in the Information Technology and Communication (ICT)
systems throughout the world, internet applications have enormously advanced. The society,
especially the younger generation, has greatly embraced the diverse internet applications in
various ways. It is equally indisputable that the applications of internet services in various fields
of production among them mass communication, video broadcasting, medical services,
educational programs, and industrial production has played a huge role in enhancing efficiency
in service delivery. As a result, the majority of the world’s population, especially in the
developed and developing nations, adopted the internet as a platform from which to record
increased productivity.
The field of mass communication is one among the major beneficiaries of the internet
applications. Mass communication revolves around the conveyance of information from one
center, often a radio or television corporation, to the masses in different geographical locations.
Initially, many corporations used radio and television signals within their areas of coverage to
ensure the attainment of their goals. However, the advancements in the technological
applications in this field has enable the transmission of information from one communication
center to the general public via live streaming. It is possible for a person to access the
broadcasting programs of a given radio or television corporation from anywhere through the
internet. Many of caters of mass communication have developed comprehensive websites, from
where their followers can easily follow all their operations without much strains.
Moreover, mass communication across the world has advanced at both, the local and
international platforms. It is a given that the world’s leading media corporations such as the
CNN, BBC, and many more have their programs aired on the satellite. This implies that their
followers throughout the world can access all they need by just a simple connection on the

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Internet Applications Student's Name: Institution: Internet Applications With the advancements in the Information Technology and Communication (ICT) systems throughout the world, internet applications have enormously advanced. The society, especially the younger generation, has greatly embraced the diverse internet applications in various ways. It is equally indisputable that the applications of internet services in various fields of production among them mass communication, video broadcasting, medical services, educational programs, and industrial production has played a huge role in enhancing efficiency in service delivery. As a result, the majority of the world's population, especially in the developed and developing nations, adopted the internet as a platform from which to record increased productivity. The field of mass communication is one among the major beneficiaries of the internet applications. Mass communication revolves around the conveyance of information from one center, often a radio or television corporation, to the masses in different geographical locations. Initially, many corporations used radio and television signals within their areas of coverage to ensure the attainment of their goals. However, the advancements in the technological applications in this field has enable the transmission of information from one communication center to the general public via live streaming. It is possible for a person to access the broadcasting programs of a g ...
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