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Santa Cruz Bicycles

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Santa Cruz Bicycles
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1. a) The key factor in Santa Cruz Bicycles successful process design.
The World is dynamic, and everything keeps on changing with time. It’s through changes that
one is likely to find some inventions in their areas of work. Santa Cruz was a company that
used to develop new models every time (Graney, 2009). They used to try a variety of things
to see whether they would work. According to my opinion, the key factor in the corporation
successful process redesign was the adoption of the similar system that was employed by
large world manufacturers. The company embraced the software; product life circle
management. The team that was involved in the manufacture, as well as development, used
the design software that was computer aided. The process took them a couple of seven
months to advance the strategy.
To them, if the design would fail it then would imply that they would repeat the whole
procedure in some other ways until they would make it. The software development process
was to take the same seven months of its development. The team felt that it was the only
solution to the challenge at hand. Failure of such software would cost the company a lot of
resources ranging from time to money.
b) Why the fact was a key one.
Application of new information technology in the corporation offered them
competences to simulate rough terrains. They had the ability to track all the variations in only
a few minutes and not seven hours as it would be the case. The advancement in software
offered the company a chance to come up with several designs fast. The simulation helped
the organisation to keep watch on all the concerns of the model. The kind of software
developed made it possible to redesign any element that was in need instead of fitting each at
a time.

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Running head: SANTA CRUZ BICYCLES 1 Santa Cruz Bicycles Name: Institution Affiliation: SANTA CRUZ BICYCLES 1. 2 a) The key factor in Santa Cruz Bicycles successful process design. The World is dynamic, and everything keeps on changing with time. It’s through changes that one is likely to find some inventions in their areas of work. Santa Cruz was a company that used to develop new models every time (Graney, 2009). They used to try a variety of things to see whether they would work. According to my opinion, the key factor in the corporation successful process redesign was the adoption of the similar system that was employed by large world manufacturers. The company embraced the software; product life circle management. The team that was involved in the manufacture, as well as development, used the design software that was computer aided. The process took them a couple of seven months to advance the strategy. To them, if the design would fail it then would imply that they would repeat the whole procedure in some other ways until they would make it. The software development process was to take the same seven months of its development. The team felt that it was the only solut ...
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