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Starbucks Inc

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Running Head: Starbucks Inc 1
Starbucks Inc
Institution Affiliation

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Running Head: Starbucks Inc 2
Executive Summary
The Starbucks Corporation has strategic goals to expand and enlarge its international
operations. The company is intending to open over 500 stores in China before the end of 2016.
While Starbucks Corporation believes, that China is one of its most exciting and important
countries with booming large markets, it is also bullish on India. This is despite slowing growth
in the country with only 70 stores in two years. Global expansion is one of the crucial growth
drivers for Starbucks and it is meeting its international expansion targets (Need, 2008).
Starbucks Company is considered one of the globally leading ethical companies. The company
has been making conscious efforts to one a leading responsible corporation and conduct its
business operations I ethical manner. The company prides itself in an ethical way, through
sourcing, community, environment, wellness, diversity and environment. The company strives to
adhere to its mission statements and values. The Starbucks Corporation is highly committed to
being socially responsible and in meeting its customers’ needs. For instance, the company
plasters its values and mission statement on the walls of its stores, it dedicates countless pages
on the company websites to its responsibilities, and it prints facts onto its coffee cups (Need,
2008). Further, every year, the company compiles business report that outlines its social

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Running Head: Starbucks Inc 1 Starbucks Inc Institution Affiliation Name Running Head: Starbucks Inc 2 Executive Summary The Starbucks Corporation has strategic goals to expand and enlarge its international operations. The company is intending to open over 500 stores in China before the end of 2016. While Starbucks Corporation believes, that China is one of its most exciting and important countries with booming large markets, it is also bullish on India. This is despite slowing growth in the country with only 70 stores in two years. Global expansion is one of the crucial growth drivers for Starbucks and it is meeting its international expansion targets (Need, 2008). Starbucks Company is considered one of the globally leading ethical companies. The company has been making conscious efforts to one a leading responsible corporation and conduct its business operations I ethical manner. The company prides itself in an ethical way, through sourcing, community, environment, wellness, diversity and environment. The company strives to adhere to its mission statements and values. The Starbucks Corporation is highly committed to being socially responsible and in meeting its customers’ needs. For instance, the company plasters its values and mission statement on the walls of its stores, it dedicates countless pages on the company websites to its responsibilities, and it prints facts onto its coffee cups (Need, 2008). Further, every year, the company compiles business report that ...
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