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Black Out Period Final

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Black out period.
Technology keeps advancing and changing frequently. New inventions are also a new
norm. In the past microwaves, dishwashers and video games were not there. However, currently
am enjoying the help of these new apparatus. With a microwave warming or even making food
takes only minutes or seconds. Washing dishes is easier with the aid of dishwashers while my
free time is full of fun with video games.
During the blackout, I gave up my smart phone, television, iPod and video games. I
happened to miss my smart phone the most. It is like a hundred things in one. I can easily
communicate through social media, capture moments of my choice, play games, order things
online, research on Google and also listen to music.
The absence of my smart phone reduced the complaining of my boss since I attended to
customers without checking it. At home, I had extra time to spend with my siblings since I was
not on my phone and at school I concentrated more than I normally do. Without the television, I
had enough time to relax after a long day, and I spent time with my siblings. With iPod and
video games I got more time to do other things. However, I was bored since these were a major
part of my day to day life. All in all, I realized that I needed more time away from technology. It
was somewhat a pleasant thing.

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Black out period. Technology keeps advancing and changing frequently. New inventions are also a new norm. In the past microwaves, dishwashers and video games were not there. However, currently am enjoying the help of these new apparatus. With a microwave warming or even making food takes only minute ...
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