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Swot Analysis

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Running Head: SWOT ANALYSIS 1
SWOT Analysis
Institutional Affiliation

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Advantages of SWOT analysis
The first advantage of SWOT analysis is that it does not require any expertise or special
skills to come up with one. Anyone in the organization can create a SWOT Analysis. The second
advantage is that it is simple and helps in understanding the business much better. The other
advantage is that it helps in knowing or identifying the businessstrengths, its weakness and
provides a solution on how to resolve them. SWOT analysis also helps in identifying any
opportunities that the business can use and to deter the threats that may be facing the
organization. Lastly, SWOT analysis helps a business identify its goals and objectives and how
to achieve them (Pahl, Richter, & University of Applied Science Berlin, 2007).
Disadvantages of SWOT Analysis
The first disadvantage of SWOT analysis is that it does not priorities issues. All issues are
generalized and the most important or vital is not given an exemption. The second disadvantage
of SWOT analysis is that it provides a lot of information. Some of the information might not be
useful. The third limitation is that it does not provide any solution. It only states the problems but
no solution to solve them (Pahl, Richter, & University of Applied Science Berlin, 2007). The last
disadvantage of SWOT analysis is that it gives too many ideas which can be tough when
choosing the best one for the business. Many businesses use SWOT analysis to check for the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and use other methods to come up with
solutions for the identified issues.

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Running Head: SWOT ANALYSIS 1 SWOT Analysis Name Institutional Affiliation SWOT ANALYSIS 2 Advantages of SWOT analysis The first advantage of SWOT analysis is that it does not require any expertise or special skills to come up with one. Anyone in the organization can create a SWOT Analysis. The second advantage is that it is simple and helps in understanding the business much better. The other advantage is that it helps in knowing or identifying the business’ strengths, its weakness and provides a solution on how to resolve them. SWOT analysis also helps in identifying any opportunities that the business can use and to deter the threats that may be facing the organization. Lastly, SWOT analysis helps a business identify its goals and objectives and how to achieve them (Pahl, Richter, & University of Applied Science Berlin, 2007). Disadvantages of SWOT Analysis The first disadvan ...
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