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CIS 372
Requirements Document
CIS Alumni Relaonship Management Systems
Gabriel Erosa and Elvis Arreola

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CIS 372 Requirements Document For CIS Alumni Relationship Management Systems (CISARMS) 11/16/2012 Gabriel Erosa and Elvis Arreola Table of Contents Introduction P.3 User Requirements P.3 Functional Requirements P.4 Non-Functional Requirements P.5 Constraints P.5 Future Direction P.5 Expected Changes P.6 Glossary P.6 Introduction - Section 1 1.1 Scope of the product The Computer Information Systems Alumni Relationships Management System is a program created to benefit the alumni of the university and to benefit the university as well. It is a system in which narrows down the communication between alumni and university administrators to a simple and single channel. The Alumni have the options to seek opportunities for themselves, look for qualified candidates, find jobs, and give back to the university 1.2 Business Case for the Product The CIS Alumni Relationship Management system's primary responsibility is to create measurable connections between Alumni and Cal State Dominguez Hills University, to provide relevant programs to attract and improve communications with the University. The Alumni can find opportunities for either resources, business ventures, or just getting reacquainted with past classmates/professors no matter what year they graduated. 1.3 Overview of the Requirement Document The system should have a web interface available for the user. These interfaces should run on a web server maintained by the IT department at the University. ...
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